How does Bidenomics help the economy?

L[quote=“Borgia_dude, post:70, topic:240700, full:true”]

Hmmm, churches were shown to be spreader events. Indoors, singing - bad. I don’t see any problem with churches having been shut down temporarily until the worst was past. Aren’t all churches back open now? How can you claim it is a goal to shut down churches when they just open back up after the danger is mitigated? Doesn’t seem like an inexorable march to communism if they open back up, does it, considering the special circumstances.

As to strip clubs, I have no idea what happened there.

Funny thing. Not one of you guys was for shutting down the Antifa and BLM riots, and they had tens of thousands of unmasked, undistanced people mingling and looting, burning and pillaging night after night for months on end. Not a peep out of you guys. We’re they not super spreader events? Why not?

They’re doing it little by little, but first they have to get citizens to accept the notion of rights being taken at will and at whim by the Leftist government. Even though Democrats supported the beatings of blacks during the civil rights movement of the 60s doesn’t mean the average Dem would tolerate similar beatings of white people, even of Conservatives YET, they start small by taking away the rights of Christian churches a little at a time and for short durations, and seeing what kind of heat they take. None from the left, so all is well. When the time comes that they get serious, you guys will have been conditioned to stand by in silent support, just as you already have been to remain silent while cities are burned and looted by BLM and Antifa.

You are being paranoid to the point of absurdity. There is no conspiracy by the Democrats to get rid of Christians and their churches.

None from the left, so all is well. When the time comes that they get serious, you guys will have been conditioned to stand by in silent support, just as you already have been to remain silent while cities are burned and looted by BLM and Antifa.

Are you serious? There were liberals on this very forming condemning the riots.

Ok, that’s all fine. But does disarming a population necessarily lead to communism? It hasn’t in Great Britain. It hasn’t in Australia. What does the evidence tell you?

I’m getting tired of correcting errors regarding oil and gas. Leases in the Gulf of Mexico are up under Biden. Keystone is about Canadien oil, not US. The US cannot “approve” a pipeline to the EU, that’s their business.

Biden is not holding back US production, that is the choice of oil companies to keep production low. Drilling is ramping up slowly because oil companies are cautious, nothing to do with Biden but price fluctuations that preceded Biden. Note how I don’t blame Trump for those fluctuations.

Instead of distracting, why don’t you actually address my church argument? You claim to want a conversation but I’m not seeing evidence of this. Before changing topics, let’s finish on religion.

Just an aside, you do know that Republicans supported the beatings as well? But to be precise, it was southern Dems and southern Republicans. Northern Dems and Northern Republicans did not.

See what I did? I reflected reality and didn’t try and make it solely partisan. Try it.

It has brought authoritarian over reach.

Has not helped safety at all.

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Glad to hear. Did any of you make your condemnation public in any other way? Like perhaps marching with counter protestors when they were there? Calling your congressman? Calling the media? Sure, there might have been a small number of you that didn’t support the riots, but your leaders and the media sure did. BTW, did you, or are you going to vote for any of those leaders that cheered on the riots?

Of course you are.

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First, I’m well aware that atheistic views are much more prevalent in the halls of academia than in the general public. Second, the decades long “battle” with Christianity is exclusively (as far as I can ascertain) is from the left. Third, there’s been a general decline in societal commitments in the US to organized religion, which is largely in the blue states. Fourth, I know that from spending many years on a number of different political forums that the majority (I would argue the overwhelming majority) of those on the Left are atheists. It’s clearly fair to assume that many of the politicians they support ideologically likely have very similar philosophical views. Finally, after spending many years of my life around devout Evangelical Christians of all races (although mostly black and white) it’s not exactly rocket science to make an assumption of who is and who isn’t.

I’m I just making up the fact that the left hates fossil fuels? Is the green new deal just a figment of my imagination? The I’ll grant that Biden doesn’t directly control the production and transportation of oil, but what he does control is the US energy policy. I know you guys hate capitalism and the idea of companies making a profit. I know you believe the world is really is an altruistic Utopia where everyone just naturally wants to contribute everything they possibly can according to their ability while taking back only according to their need, but that vision isn’t reality.

When every policy that comes out of every Democrat administration is designed to punish fossil fuel companies with skyrocketing taxes, more burdensome regulations and demonization of their industry; when every Democrat administration publicly declares in their campaign speeches that they are going to wage war against fossil fuel companies and put them out of business, HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK THEY’RE GOING TO REACT??

Here’s a fact: Under Donald Trump, the United States gained energy independence. US Oil companies were producing enough oil to meet the daily demand of oil and we became the largest exporter of natural gas. Whether they drilled on private or federal land doesn’t matter. It was demonstrated that companies, with the support and cooperation of the government, could produce sufficient energy to meet our need.

Biden STOPPED that support and cooperation. He made his beliefs and intentions known by his actions on his first day in office. Since it HAS been demonstrated that US oil companies have the means to increase production to the point of meeting our daily needs, why is Biden Begging OPEC instead?


What Biden is going to find out, is that just because his base is comprised of godless, America hating, left wing, whack jobs that screech the loudest, they are STILL the minority in America!

Biden owns the mess he’s created!

See, this is why we’re not taking you seriously.

Here’s what I did do: I did some research on the Southern states from the end of the Civil War till now. Know what I discovered? I discovered that Democrats held the Governorships and Democrats were the mayors of virtually every Southern state and city during that time. All the way through the 60s, the height of the Civil rights movement. Some of those states and cities hadn’t elected Republicans in many decades, if at all. I certainly don’t deny that there are racist Republicans, but that isn’t the narrative that we hear today. What we hear is nothing but that Republicans are all racists and White Supremacists. Even when a white teenager is accused of murdering 3 white people an put on a sham trial, his motive is white supremacy according to the left. Does that sound absurd to you?


Wow! You have a very warped view of Dems/Libs. It is pretty clear that this view is firmly entrenched in your mind and I could spend a lot of effort to tell you what libs really think but it doesn’t seem worthwhile.

If your contention is that Biden screwed this up, it definitely does matter if drilling is on public or private lands. Biden’s temporary drilling moratorium only applied to public lands. Most of the Permian is on private lands so is not subject to his ban. So your claim that Biden is the cause of low production is not tenable in light of the evidence.

As I have said a million times, our reduced production is due to SA/Russia in early 2020 (under Trump) and then Covid depressed demand. No oil company was going to invest in expanding supply then. They cut rigs drastically well before the election.

Oil companies are now hesitant to invest big in increasing rigs. They are slowly adding rigs but have a cautious approach. The losses during 2020 were historic and too many unknowns right now to warrant huge capital spending.

Btw, huge lease sales in Gulf of Mexico under Biden. How is that possible? :grinning:

A lot of jobs in this country are filled by foreign short term workers. That has been ■■■■ down due to Covid.

A lot of people also dropped out of the work force.

I can’t speak for anyone but myself and I didn’t even march with the BLM protesters. I was too busy hiding from covid.

I wasn’t even aware of anti-riot protesters anyway. Frankly, it would probably not be a group I’d want to protest with anyway because it would probably have a bunch of anti-BLM protesters too.

What would be the point of that?

Like who? I don’t recall any of them supporting the vandalism, only the protests.


Are you confusing “hate” with “want to move away from because its use is damaging the environment”?

Had you done more thorough research you could have seen the votes for the CRA was split along geographic lines, not party lines. Southerners, whether Dem or Repub voted against it. Northerners, whether Dem or Repub, voted for it.

Neither Dems nor Repub were racist, but southerners sure were. Today, who knows?

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There is definitely impact on the environment, sometimes very bad. But we can’t go back to the Stone Age because of it.There needs to be a balance between what the left is doing and what Americas energy needs are. I have no problem switching to green energy, BUT as the technology allows AND as it becomes reliable and affordable for the average American. Don’t put people out of work or impoverish people to satisfy a political agenda.

Yes some of that occurred, but we’re talking millions of jobs. What is it like where you live? Where I live, I haven’t seen one restaurant that is fully staffed, in fact I don’t think I have run across any service related business that isn’t understaffed right now. People are receiving hundreds of dollars a week from the government. Why would anyone go back to work when their needs are being met? Plus, landlords have been unable to evict people for not paying their rent! Where is the money coming from?

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