How do you have an impeachment trial without a judge?

They can rule that he never hold office again

Leaky Leahy? :roll_eyes:

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As will this one.

I am good with this.

Trump drives his political opponents to a level that is unhealthy and I don’t want to have him run for this reason.

Trump Doctrine is good and important and needs a new political leader to move it forward.

President Trump changed after the campaign and the loss. He did NOT have the read the room savvy that he had when he entered office. At first Trump didn’t need to give up his billionaire lifestyle and donated his paycheck…then he flooded supporters for donations to fight an impossible legal challenge to the vote results to stay in a place he didn’t really want.

RULING he can never hold office concerns me that it may become a challenge to overcome. Proving he caused an insurrection is problematic and then the venue does not support the traditional legal checks and balances.

Keeping 5000 NG (Trump Supporters mostly) around until April for the show…not nice, not healing.

Better to let Trump be his own worse enemy.

This is just getting more bizarre.


They have to convict him first. They don’t have the votes and they’re giving the republicans an out.

Yes, it is a big mess.

Apparently, according to most ,libs here, the president got his due process as the constitution requires in the House. He was not allowed any time to prepare to prepare a defense. His rights were violated. Bigly.

That’s exactly why these hyenas are still obsessed with Trump. Biden is making him look better than ever. :man_shrugging:


They didn’t say anything about a “fair” trial. Roberts is only required if a President is put on trial. In this case, a civilian non-office holder is being put on trial.
This is the same political show as was put on once before, and will have the same results…with the added result that it will convert Trump into a victim for many.

Presided over by a Senator that leaked classified information.

Glass houses.


Just sayin :wink:

Wait . . .

The indictment is for a person holding the office of priesident.

How you can you now have a trial of a civilian. Don’t you need a new inedictment?

Under what authority does the Senate “try” an ordinary citizen?


Your right . . . BUT they MUST follow the constitution:

When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside:

Constitution is clear. They are holding an impeachment trial on the president. The Chief Justice SHALL preside. He doesn’t have a choice, neither does the senate in who presides.

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No it’s not.

So you have to follow the rules set by the constitution:

When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside:

What is it?

Then how can they hold an impeachment trail if he’s not president?

The impeachment (indictment) delivered to the senate is impeachment of the president.

If Trump is no longer president, then you can’t use the indictment of president correct? So do they need to do a new impeachment in the house?

Then follow the constition:

When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside:

The Chief Justice SHALL no may, not might


Then how can they impeach him?

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How about the cheif justice and the senate read this:

When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: