How are your state officials preventing non-citizens from registering to vote?

Craziness? As pointed out HERE, mail-in ballots invite significant voter fraud.

But has there been proven massive voter fraud from mail in voting?

I set no standard. I pointed out some irrefutable facts, e.g., there is no way to confirm the one who filled out a mail-in ballot and made the choices thereon, is the authorized applicant of that ballot, and mail-in ballots invite significant voter fraud.

Stop making up ■■■■■

Why are you okay with fraud?

By not being for completely eliminating what you claim is a major source of fraud… by keeping it around in any capacity… it shows me that it isn’t really a concern.

It seems to me that you are okay with a little fraud.


Utah also but no claim of fraud the red state…hmmmmm

Why do you dwell on “massive voter fraud”? Is that your way to dismiss a very real problem?

The fact is many elections are won or lost by a few votes.

103 state legislative races were decided by fewer than 100 votes last year – Ballotpedia News

Also see:

Stop making up ■■■■ and try, for once, to be an adult.

I am being an adult.

You say that mail in ballots are a major source of fraud yet do not wish to eliminate all mail in ballots.

So it seems to me that you are okay with some fraud.

That is an insulting remark, and you know it.

I am not ok with any voter fraud. And that is why I advocate regulating our election process in a manner which eliminates the opportunity for as much voter fraud a practical.

Stop making up ■■■■

Yet you yourself showed where a bunch of elections were decided by fewer than a hundred votes.

If one is so concerned with election integrity that one comes here to ask the same thing over and over and use the same links ad naseum but refuses to enact elimination of the very thing that one claims is the most major source of fraud… then it looks to me that one is still okay with fraud.

Heck… still okay with it on the scale that can swing an election… if we are sticking with the less than a hundred vote rule.

I advocate regulating our election process in a manner which eliminates the opportunity for as much voter fraud as practical. Ending no-excuse mail-in voting would be a big step in that direction. Do you agree?

Mail ballot fraud is exceedingly rare in part because states have systems and processes in place to prevent forgery, theft and voter fraud. These systems would apply to both absentee ballots and mail-in ballots for in-state voters.

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Fraud is okay as long as it is practical.

Nothing in your referenced article explains how it is confirmed, the one who filled out a mail-in ballot and made the choices thereon, is the authorized applicant of that ballot.

So, it is disingenuous and misleading to say, mail-in ballot voting fraud is exceedingly rare, when there is no way to confirm the one who filled out a mail-in ballot and made the choices thereon, is the authorized applicant of that ballot.

It’s a non-existent problem.

So, you are intent on acting like a petulant adolescent.

It theoretically could happen, and would probably happen without anyone knowing. But at scale, it’s just to hard to implement in a way that makes a difference and you don’t get caught.

According to you but not according to WHAT IS REPORTED

Please quote from your presented article where it explains how mail-in ballots are scrutinized to confirm, the one who filled out a mail-in ballot and made the choices thereon, is the authorized applicant of that ballot.

Last time I checked, there were only 12 states that make an attempt, and I emphasize “attempt”, to verify a voter of a mailed-in ballot is the qualified voter of that ballot, and actually filled out that ballot and made the choices thereon. Those States are: Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. LINK