How are your state officials preventing non-citizens from registering to vote?


You are the one that starts multiple threads over the exact same thing and when you don’t hear what you want you simply ask the same thing over and over without ever engaging in any questions posed to you.

Also the use of gifs… yeah. That’s fun.

The broken record of mail in voter fraud shows that I don’t think that you are actually interested in solving the problem that we all have to pretend is real to engage with with you.

If someone actually believed that voter fraud was rampant and that its main source was mailed ballots AND elections can be defrauded very easily then why wouldn’t one work to completely eliminate mail in ballots?

It would be taking care of getting rid of the vast majority of potential fraud.


Several people here, myself included, have acknowledged that, yes, someone could fill out someone else’s mail-in ballot and probably not get caught. But the problem, at least IMO, is that it’s not possible to replicate that kind of fraud in any meaningful way that would a) make a difference and b) someone not get caught. You’ve definitely identified an issue with mail-in ballots. But is it a big enough issue to get rid of mail in ballots entirely? I don’t think so.


It’s not.

It is a phantom fear.


It’s a coping mechanism for the GOP when they lose elections.


Well, we are in agreement that there is a voter fraud problem with mail-in ballot voting. What we don’t know is the extent of that problem. So, why not at least end no-excuse mail-in ballot voting since we know it is a problem? Aside from that see:

It’s funny as hell that you believe Biden withdrew for the good of the country.

His ass hasn’t done a thing, since he’s been in office, for the good of the country.

Everything they’ve done has been for ideology and nothing more. As a matter fact, it hasn’t been Biden doing a damn thing except rubber stamping the progressive agenda put forth by his puppet masters.

His withdrawing from the election was not his decision, but made for him. He had no choice.



Well, that’s certainly the line that Trump and certain media such as OANN have been selling.

Meanwhile, out here in the real world…

the dems are working overtime to reinvent their anointed candidate because the reality is damning.

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Of course. Both parties do that all the time - every election. You’re just finding this out?

Y’all gonna have to work harder. The internet is forever.

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Who is this “y’all” stuff? I’m an independent. Been so since 2016.

You just finding this out?

I type y’all to avoid the personalization charge and flagging from the masses about making it about the poster. I lived through the flag wars man, and didn’t even get a t-shirt.


When the Flag Wars crosses your mind.

And Fortunate Son plays constantly on repeat.

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Not even sure that’s a thing here anymore.

It was a thing on the old forum. The Flag Wars. I remember them basically having a purge back in 2012 and 2013. Any personal comment whatever got you banned back then. And of course people ran with it and intentionally tried to piss people off so they would get themselves banned.

They’ve lightened up a lot since then.

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Oh. I’m aware. Been here since ‘07. :joy:

There were some crazy times back then. I joined back in 08. I’m just depressed I totally missed the Darth Wars. That ■■■■ sounds hilarious.

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Yeh. I came in at the tail end of that nonsense.

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You wanna take a chance? I’m not going to. lol

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Why must you politicize working to make our elections, within practical limits, free from voter fraud? Is politicalizing the subject your clever way to undermine such a discussion and create a food fight between Republicans and Democrats?