How are your state officials preventing non-citizens from registering to vote?

With the communist controlled Biden Administration having imported over 20 million foreign nationals into our country, what prevents them from registering to vote and then voting for the communist Democrat Party Leadership which has invited them into the United States?

July 10, 2024

“If an applicant attests that they are a US citizen, that is considered valid on its face and the person is registered to vote — except in Virginia, Tennessee and New Mexico where they must provide a full Social Security number as well.”

If this is not correct immediately, there is a good chance that millions of foreign nationals will get to vote in the 2024 federal election without being detected.

Seems that Schumer is holding up the bill.


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Setting the groundwork to claim fraud when Trump loses in November?


Of course. That’s been the game plan all along.

Didn’t work all that well for Trump in 2020, but I’m sure it will work this time around.

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Which states require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in our federal elections?

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How about all of us should be united in demanding an honest election…regardless of who wins. Non-citizens should NEVER be able to vote. You do agree with that don’t you?


no amnesty seekers register to vote.

they want to stay off uncle sams radar.



good luck finding them today. off the radar.


Which states don’t?

If the election were rigged for the Democrats, Biden would have had no reason to withdraw.


I’ll add that there’s no way in hell Trump would ever withdraw for the good of the country. His ego would never allow that.

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The question was:

Which states require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in our federal elections?

Why do you deflect by responding to the question with a question? I believe there is not state that requires proof of citizenship to vote. But I could be wrong.


South carolina i know showing up to vote i have to present some form of i.d. i am not sure about the mail in ballot.

Does the I.D. you mention confirm you are a United States Citizen?

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For GA I can tell you that you have to include your drivers license # or state id # on both your mail in ballot application and the envelope for the mail in ballot when you send it in. They verify your citizenship through that system

All of them.

How do they verify your citizenship? Under what statutory requirement?

Where is your link confirming you assertion?


Our current honor system on the part of registrants under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 includes a provision that created a federal voter registration form that requires applicants under penalty of perjury to check a “yes” or “no” box as to whether they are U.S. citizens. However, the federal form does not require any proof of citizenship, and its use has been shown to be ineffective in deterring non-citizens from registering to vote.


No i mean in my case because i am.showing my drivers license. But i dont think they are specific on what you show.

For Ohio you had to write your SSN or Drivers License # on the absentee ballot. When voting in person I have to show photo ID and it has to be a govt ID, DL, State ID, I THINK VA card also qualifies because it has my picture.