How are your state officials preventing non-citizens from registering to vote?

According to an above linked article, “Every state but North Dakota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Wyoming gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots federal voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship.”

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Missouri requires registered voters to provide one of the following:

Valid Missouri non-driver’s ID
Valid Missouri Driver’s License
Valid US Passport
Veteran’s ID
Valid Military ID

Florida for sure.

So instead of doing a search…you sk the forum? i live in CA. CA requires proof of citizenship to vote.
U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport Card, current or expired (issued without limitation). Certificate of U.S. Citizenship. Form N-560. Form N-561.

I agree 100% none citizens should not be voting and fraud needs to be dealt with severely.

And all the evidence shows that there was no widespread fraud of the type alleged by Trump and team. Over the last four years there have been convictions for election fraud which shows the system we have for investigating and prosecuting fraud works (i am sure like all things it needs to be refined and could be better). None of that fraud was on a scale large enough to change the results.

No system is perfect and it needs to be continously iterated but that does not mean there was rampant fraud across multiple states.

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I don’t think that you read past the headline.

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It’s was the Help America Vote Act of 2002. Tying voter ID to social security numbers and cross-referencing databases has basically ended large-scale voter fraud.


Giving someone voter registration forms and information is not the same as registering someone to vote.

And do you really think undocumented people are going to be lining up to give the government their names and addresses?

Has their been wide spread voter fraud?

Since you appear to be our in-house expert, how are federal mail-in ballots checked to confirm the one who filled out the ballot and made the choices thereon is the rightful applicant of that ballot?

Unregulated access to federal election registration forms and mail-in ballots, invites massive election fraud.


Handing someone a form doesn’t mean they are registered. What matters is what is on the form itself.

In some historical elections there was a bit. 1876 was sort of notorious. And honestly 1960 was weird in the Chicago precinct.

And local elections always had a ■■■■ ton of fraud before state level reforms in the 90s. Federal elections were always much cleaner affairs but local elections were a complete mess. Especially here in the south.

In the pre-digital world? Oh yeah. Our elections rather famously don’t meet our own standards that we apply to other countries to support their elections.

The craziest part is that in 2020, they drilled down to the precinct level in like nine states afterwards and I was convinced they’re had to still be some shenanigans at the local level. And there just weren’t. They found, like, a handful of single cases.

The extent of the forensic audit is factual proof that 2020 is the cleanest election America has ever had in its history. Not that you’d know from how people act.


There used to be so much fraud in local southern elections that it was literally impossible to find a clean sheriff. Almost every single one of them got in through massive fraud usually provided by local gangs just stuffing ballot boxes with fake ballots.

Led to a really famous battle breaking out in Athens, Tennessee after World War II. A bunch of WWII vets got angry about it and literally took over the town. They raided the national guard armory to get weapons and then had running gun battles with all the deputies.

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Of course not. All the registration forms are given so they have something to wipe their arses with after shatting in the streets.

Why wouldn’t they give out names and addresses? The welfare benefits and debit cards have to go somewhere. Besides, don’t you need an address to be counted in the census? Or have a place for the mail in ballots to go to?

That’s one way to resolve things.

None of them require proof of citizenship. Some don’t even require a photo ID.

From the voter registration guide linked to one of the NY Post articles linked above (btw, don’t you love how most of the citation links go to other NY Post articles?):

All States require that you be a United States citizen by birth or naturalization to register to
vote in federal and State elections. Federal law makes it illegal to falsely claim U.S. citizenship to register to vote in any federal, State, or local election. You cannot be registered to vote in more than one place at a time.

And if you go state by state, almost all require a drivers license, which for most states now are RealID’s, meaning you need to show proof of citizenship to get it, and/or last 4 digits of SSN.