How are you impacted?

I’ll take that under advisement the same way I did with Avergbear’s prediction of 7.00+ a gallon of gas if Obama is reelected.


Appreciated, will be this Friday. Trying to limit our time at the hospital, not great timing at all!

Wow, no one is happy about this. I have friends in many industries suffering right now. Wake up!

if obama could have achieved that he would have. Fracking stopped him!

Got laid off on Sunday. Only positive is that my golf handicap is likely to drop.


Which industries are those?

Restaurants that rely on dining, bars and nightclubs, entertainment staffing and venues, airlines, geeez I don’t even want to go on, it’s depressing.

Wake up!


Las Vegas is completely closed down. That in an of itself pretty much wrecks Nevada for any foreseeable future.

It’s almost like people think this is just an overnight nightmare and they will wake up tomorrow as if nothing happened.

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Retail, airline, automotive, hospitality…

Delta to furlough 40% of its employees. Big 3 automakers to shut down production.

odd, Restaurants are all still full around here, obviously the airlines are down.

No. Not a good time to be around hospitals. I hope all goes well for him and your family.

You have to get up early to go to the grocery stores and not wait in line forever.

I am in Orange County, dining in is banned per the health department.

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I got to the Costco this morning 20 minutes before it opened, there were already a hundred people in line.

Yeah we eat out a lot and i am concerned for the folks that work at those restaurants.

Crowds are slim and they could be forced to shut down except for take out eventually. Some states have already done it.

well, with all thew homelessness and filth on the streets around the LA basin, I’m not surprised…

Decades of dems

At a minimum, this country is likely headed to 8 quarters of recession.

Perhaps full blown depression.

Young people are not at risk. Those who die are old with pre-existing conditions… Like every year!

I ve had some personal experiences with stuff getting closed. I announce rodeos for a significant part of my living…was ready to come out if a slower time and get to work…everything I was going to work has been cancelled this month…April and May are all in California and Oregon, one of those events got cancelled this morning. $4-6000 a weekend that adds up pretty quick.

I m lucky to have a job too…still going to work everyday … we’ll see. I work in the Fort Worth Texas Stockyards…normally a giant tourist attraction…you could set off a bomb on that street right now and not touch anybody. There’s a massive new construction project here, shops, restaurants, bars, I hope we get thru this soon those businesses are starting to open to nobody. If your familiar with the Stockyards they’ve even cancelled the daily cattle drives and weekly rodeo.

I understand the immediate health concerns…but I wonder about the long term effects of devastating the economy…


I think you need to update your talking points.

Even Trump isn’t playing the minimization game anymore.