House Republicans release articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

You are talking about HR2, right?

However, the failure of this impeachment demonstrates how futile legislation would be to fix the border crisis. If the administration is determined to have open borders, the only way for congress to force them to follow the law is through impeachment…and the administration’s party would never allow that to succeed.

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The negotiated over the very things in HR2. This is the process.

HR2 was the opening bid.

This bill is the next step in negotiations.

Fine. Maybe the next step will be better, then. Namely no parolees allowed so long as there is a backlog in immigration hearings. Otherwise, we are still flooding the country.

“We” being the Biden administration, of course.

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Right now you could have 80% of what you want.

You’d rather we get nothing because it’s not perfect? Or, truth be told, you’d rather we get nothing because getting something might provide a political advantage to your opponent.

The 20% we don’t have would continue to,flood the country with migrants that are only deserving of asylum in the fantasy of leftists.
My motive for my statement is not the subject of this thread.


Another I was a fake member of the GOP once are you. You showed your true colors when you ignored your parties sitting on the house border bill for months. And pushing the democrat liars bill just so you can bash the party you hate. It is easy is see the fakes they always show who they are.


You know you’re not telling the truth right. The house bill has never been brought to the floor. It was thrown in the drawer never to be voted on. There were never any negotiations. All the senate bill is just a ploy by the democrats to use for


You obviously have me confused with someone else. I’m not in Congress.

But that is about normal from the replies I have received from you.

It was passed by the house.

Why would it have to be brought to the floor to be part of the negotiations?

I love watching these posts of yours go down in a flaming heap ;)lol.

Here’s a YouTube video of the House patting themselves on the back when they passed HR2 back in May.

You do realize he was talking about it never being voted on in the Senate, not the House, right? lol…

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No. It just makes you look incompetent. You shouldn’t even really be calling for votes unless you already know you can win them. That’s what whipping votes is.


To be fair, the Republicans haven’t done any real legislative work since the 1980s with the MX Peacekeeper missile. Regan was in office back then. It’s been a long time. They’ve forgotten what whipping is.


Nothing quite like the taste of crow…

I’ve literally never heard of this happening in a functioning democracy. There’s no point to even having a party caucus if you aren’t going to whip votes.

I could find 216 tenth graders in student council who could run the basics of a caucus. Who know what Robert’s Rules of Order is. In record time.

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This is the completely foreseeable outcome of having a Speaker who has no political influence. Those three nobodies who switched votes, what can he credibly threaten them with? He has no allies, he has no fundraising, he has no patronage.

They could laugh right in Johnson’s face with no consequences if he tried to twist their arms on the vote. They had higher name ID than Johnson a few months ago and they’re backbenchers, nonentities.

McCarthy was only Speaker for like ten minutes and not super competent and he is currently using his giant fundraising operation to primary the eight Republicans that voted him out. That’s why you don’t ■■■■ with a Speaker. Johnson has no credible threat to make.

That’s what Democrat’s think whipping is for, every single time. They’re not very imaginative, except in terms of finding ways to circumvent or undermine laws and false narrative building.

Because that is the way government is supposed to work. The house passes a bill and it moves to the senate for them to vote on. instead the senate threw the house bill in a drawer and made up their own bill not even discussing the house bill. Now the you and the democrats are whining because the house is saying they are going to give the senate bill the same treatment that their bill received. Seems the senate democrats like you don’t know what their job is.


I know just exactly who and what you are. You support everything the democrats do and rage at anything the GOP does. But your rely is your usual bull. Come on out of the closet because we see what you are.

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Seems it is your posts that nothing but a bunch of bull. Because you just proved that what I posted was true. The house passed a border bill and your senate democrat liars threw it in a drawer and never voted on it.
Thank you for proving my point and making yourself look like a usual democrat who thinks they are the smartest man in the room when they are not.