House Republicans release articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

When the failures keep meaningful legislation from passing that might actually help correct the situation? Yes. The GOP in the house are actively hurting this country by not doing their jobs.

Oh wow. You’re in deep.


he works for POTUS.


When the FBI changes emails to fraudulently secure FISA warrants allowing them to spy on a leading candidates campaign…

Then they promote the lie of Russian collusion…

This then leads to the Mueller investigation…that was all based on lies…

51 retired intelligence offices all unitedly declared Hunter’s laptop is misinformation…

Then we’re told 5 officers were murdered by Trump supporters on J6, one with a fire extinguisher…that all turned out to be lies…

Four indictments currently against Trump, one where the AG campaigned on indicting him, another having a sexual relationship with the lawyer she hired, is over paying, while allocating some of the prosecutional funds for illicit purposes…

Yeah…either I’m in “deep” or you live in the shallow end of the pool of life.


Oh. You’re in deep.


I find it hilarious that Johnson was not able to pass this on the first go. Nothing to do with the actual topic of the vote.

The fact it needs to go to a second vote shows how bad Johnson is at his job not to mention the whips office. This should have been an easy win. Even Breitbart reported it as humiliating for Johnson.

Johnson’s inexperience is showing when it comes to this critical part of his job.

Lots of crows cawing this morning.

Looks like Team Snake ■■■■ wins this round. :rofl:


If only there was some legislation that gives conservatives nearly everything they wanted that could be debated, amended, passed and implemented…

Oh well. Better to lose a vote on the floor and look like fools.


Unfortunately for the House Republicans, Lord Imperial Donald has spoken. He wants the immigration issue as a campaign issue, so rather than actually take a step towards solving the problem the House will be sitting dutifully on their hands saying “Yes Lord Trump - whatever you want.”

Unfortunately for them, most of the nation sees what is going on, and now knows that they have no interest in solving the problem - only using it as a campaign issue.


its like talking to a sincere Flat Earther…

they are insane and beyond the capability of having a rational discussion with…


Good analogy. That’s why I no longer bother engaging with some posters here. All it serves to do is remind you how far gone a certain segment of the electorate is.


Maybe the most important aspect of putting impeachments to a vote knowing they could fail, is to flush out the RINOs into publically showing their political elitism and globalist allegiance, so they can be primaried out of the People’s House and be replaced with people who will speak up FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

The democrats have been actively hurting this country since Reagan when they lied to get what they wanted. And then did not do what they promised they would do. And you except us to believe the lying left again.
How about biden shut down the border. Which he could have done at any time in the last three years.

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If only the democrats in the senate would vote on the border legislation that the GOP in the house passed months ago.
Seems the democrats really don’t want to shut down the border.

Seems you are forgetting that your team has sat on border legislation that the house passed months ago. Looks to me that the democrats have no interest in solving the problem - they just want to pretend that they are not for open borders because it is going to cause them to lose in November.

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It shows that the left really want open borders when they all vote against ousting the man who is holding the door open.

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Well, since I don’t have a team any longer after leaving the GOP, that would be kind of an impossible scenario. But you already knew that, and have continuously chosen to ignore it.

And after the GOP has further shown themselves to be unserious people by this move, I don’t see myself ever realigning myself with them.

But thanks for playing. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

McConnell will lose his leadership position over border issues.

You see…that’s one of the difference between us. I want the government the hell out of my life. They screw up almost everything they touch. Secure the border, maintain law and order, maintain our infrastructure and I’ll take care of the rest of my life.


He does need to go…