House Republicans release articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas

What’s happening at our border and the destruction to this nation is way to serious than to find any humor due to the inability of Rs to unitedly condemn the key player behind it all. IMO…you should have kicked your Ds in the butt to join in this impeachment…not laughing.

No one is laughing about the border situation. We’re laughing at the bumbling idiots who can’t even count votes properly.

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Do you deny Republicans are gonna kill a bill that would improve the border because lord Trump said so?


If you’re not laughing about it, how did the person representing you vote on this?

Why do I give a rat’s ass about a new law, when all that has to happen is to enforce the current one? If one law isn’t enforced, why the ■■■■ would you believe that this time…it will be?


Because contrary to what gets posted here both sides see the current border to be an issue. This was a bipartisan effort to make improvements. It’s not perfect, but that’s a sign of comprise for the greater good. Neither side got everthing they wanted. That is a sign of fair negotiations.

Uh, huh…and this was already done in 1986 when 12 million illegals were legalized with the promise this border deal would be fixed. How many agreements and laws have to not be enforced before you stop believing the lies of liars? How many?


its all politics. they dont like bidens policies so they impeach the Secretary.


and now back to the righties rants.


So the answer is to just give up? I thought the border was a crisis? We all know why the bill is dead. Trump wants to use the border to campaign on. Your side owns it now.

No…the answer is for the politicians we voted into office to ensure the laws are enforced that were agreed to. Sounds like common sense doesn’t it?


You really are a very, Very, VERY small thinker…

That’s the current problem with the GOP. They are electing people who actively don’t want to do their jobs.


Wait a minute here. Personally, the one thing I did like about DJT was his border policies. That said, the one thing 2016 taught me is the number one thing MAGA folks enjoy is seeing a lib triggered. So, if some libs are enjoying this, I can’t really blame them.

I’m sorry but I find no joy in allowing a lying turd like Mayorkas to destroy this country. I don’t care about petty politics, I care about the future of this nation.

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Why aren’t they impeaching Biden? Isn’t Mayorkas just implementing Biden policy? IF the law is being broken isn’t being done at Biden’s direction?

Also, illegal Immigration isn’t great for this country, but it won’t destroy it either. It’s been taking place longer than either of us have been a live and will probably still be happening long after we are dead.

…said the Brandonite who is the epitome of the substance in their post. Who said, “surge the border”?

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Is the failures of the opposite side really worth more to you than the sovereignty of our country?

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Technically he’s in charge of that.

People have tried to reach out and have people realize we’re all Americans at the end of the day. But it doesn’t work. Our country is doomed.

My friend…the deep state is very powerful in our country. It’s made up of establishment politicians, the MSM, billionaires and those at the top of our once trusted government agencies…ALL united to keep Trump out of the WH forever. He is their threat. He is the only person that called out the lying fake news. Each election, the Cheneys are being removed but there is still a long way to go.

Illegal immigration has taken a whole new road…wake up. It’s costing us hundreds of billions that “we” do not have.

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