House Republicans release articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas


Counting: What Is It?

It’s almost like replacing Republicans who know how the House works with creepy Trump sycophants makes the GOP increasingly incompetent.


But you understand their goal in opposing it, right?

They did this with the Biden impeachment inquiry the first time too. That time a guy just didn’t show up to, ironically enough, pose on the southern border with Elon Musk.

I dunno if increasingly incompetent covers it. They’re not whipping votes. They’re not even counting them. That what a political party exists to do in a legislature.

I would honestly love to be a fly on the wall in their conferences just to see what the hell they’re even talking about. It’s certainly not legislation.

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treasonous marge blaming the loss on dems hiding numbers to confuse GOP is cherry on top

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Its called politics. Johnson is certainly no Pelosi when it comes to politcking. I dont really care for Pelosi but she was an effective speaker for the dems and knew how to get the job done.

This is really an embarrassing defeat for the Republicans.

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“The left is afraid and now they are trying to rig another election by trying to interfere in this political witch hunt”
-Honey BoBo

I have never seen such an epic level of incompetence from a legislative caucus in my life. Did they actually bother to do a whip count before they set out on this epic fail today???


Between this, the Border Bill, and the Comer nonsense, plus the general buffoon-like behavior of Boebert, Greene, Gaetz, Santos (yes, he’s gone now, but…)

They are incompetent clowns. Pelosi/Haley is laughing her ass off at these jadrools.

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So, no success with the impeachment vote for today.

No immigration bill to help solve the crisis at the border.

Oh, and the chairman of the GOP resigned.

Did I miss anything?

Ah yes - no immunity for Donald Trump.

Jeffrey Clark one step closer to being disbarred.

What exactly has MTG achieved while in office? She has spent more time going after people she doesnt like and failing rather than actually trying to get meaningful legislation passed.

If it comes up for a vote again next week the Republican leadership has to make sure it passes.

One Republican changed his vote to “nay,” causing the “yeas” to lose. If the total had remained at 215 - 215, they couldn’t have had the vote on it again.

As it stands now, they can vote again, which will take place when Steve Scalise is back from taking treatment for cancer.

Rep Blake Moore who deliberately changed his vote to nay, said that he would definitely vote yea on the next round.

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Then there’s no help…comprende?

Do you deny this is happening?

…and so is anyone who’d laugh about the destruction of their country internally.

His vote didn’t matter at that point so he did it to allow the Rs to be able to bring it back up again down the road. It was a procedural move.

Going through this thread and listening to the glee from the left regarding Mayorkas not being impeached…is painful. How people can find happiness in this…at the horrendous expense to our nation is mind boggling. I’ve read many posts from the left and I know you’re not dumb…so why? Why would you find glee in what’s tearing this country apart? If there’s a place to find unity…I would have thought it would be in all of us wanting our laws enforced?

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Those republicans sure know how to count votes!

That was an excellent use of time and tax payer money! Can’t wait for them to do it again!


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Oh get a grip. The incompetence of the Republican house is on full display for everyone to see.

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