House committee requests hearing with postmaster general amid mail-in voting concerns

I agree, let’s change the rule that they have to fund their pensions 75 years into the future, something no other government agency or company on the planet has to do, and was done specifically to make it look like they are losing money.

It’s a case of constitutional blindness. Literally the first thing the constitution does is establish the post office.

Cue “but it doesn’t say it has to exist* arguments.

I can honestly say I agree. I voted in the spring, in the INdiana Primary…I think it was actually sometime in June. I remember being hot. If they control the flow in and out of the polling place and wipe down every machine after you vote…I can’t understand why voting in person is such a danger. Wear a Mask…and do the things you normally do. The insistence on voting by mail, just gives Trump more legal resolve to claim there were irregularities over and over and over again.

Honestly, I think people have gotten so used to being stuck at home, they can’t fathom going out to vote. There doesn’t need to be 200 people crowded into a polling place. control the flow, wipe off machines after every use, and wear a mask…It should be required for everyone to step inside a polling place. We are sending children back to school…why can’t people go inside to vote. I run into more people at 8 pm on a thursday at my local grocery store than I did at my polling place at 11 am on a Tuesday.

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Texas Primary 2020

Georgia Primary 2020

Kentucky Primary 2020

California Primary 2020

Wisconsin Primary 2020

Maryland 2020


Most of the problem isn’t inside the polling place, although that will be an issue. It’s the lines to get inside.

All the images are from primaries in 2020.


The City of Milwaukee had just five in-person voting sites open for Tuesday’s election while Madison, a city with a smaller population, had 66 sites where voters could cast their ballots.

People waited in lines for many hours. That is a disincentive to vote- defacto voter suppression.

Cry me a river.
I have for years driven over an hour sometimes in heavy snow to vote.
Want to vote get off your butt and vote.
No where in the constitution does it say it has to be easy.
People are getting lazier by the year no wonder we have such problems in this country with obesity.

Great news! You don’t have to do that anymore. No more risking your life to fulfill the right you have as an eligible voter in America. You can apply for an absentee ballot and cast the vote from the safety, warmth, and security of your home. I’m sure you are ecstatic over this news, given what you’ve had to endure just to cast a vote in the past. Even better news, this option has existed since the Civil War, but apparently just recently are people learning about it.

You should check out Trump’s website. It gives all of the instructions a person needs to legally cast their vote by mail in every state. The GOP has put a ton of money and resources into making their constituency aware of the ease and legality and security in voting by absentee ballot. It especially is directed for the members of their party that have had to risk their very lives in the past, like you clearly have, just to vote.

This is a big deal! I hope you are as excited about this as I am for you!


Sorry, I’m not lazy. I will still go to the precinct and cast my ballot like a grown up.

It is not realistic to assume that voting will be principally conducted by mail this year.

Has someone tried to dismantle the Post Office in order to interfere with the right to vote? Has someone tried to dismantle the Post Office for any reason at all? Could we document this predicate before going on?


These are precisely the questions this House hearing is intended to answer.

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Just like the search to see if Trump was colluding with the Russians to help steal the election? Or, this time, is there some basis for it? Start a rumor and then investigate the rumor to give it credibility.
I am having no problem with my mail service.
I see no growth in lines when I go to the post office.

Well the USPS is currently purposefully in a slowdown and refusing to replace workers.

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the current policies of the postal service are causing massive slowdown and worker shortages.

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How many others in the administration bought their positions? DeVos is one that I know of in the immediate cabinet. Not sure of ambassadorships. I think there are many.

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Hmmm…I think this pretty much summarizes the disagreements…of which there seem to be quite a few.

I believe that Trump put DeJoy in the position to insure that mail-in ballots will get delayed.
It has been reported that DeJoy and his wife have anywhere from $35M - $75M interest in USPS competition.
Is this the start of privatizing the postal service?

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Looks like its the start of Democrats realizing there may be a problem with their plan of having millions of mail in ballots sent through the post office. Perhaps its a little late for them to start worrying about it now. We already have a process for voting.

MASSIVE conflict of interest. And conservatives are okay with this?
