House committee approves landmark bill legalizing marijuana at the federal level

I say it’s the combination of sugar with the caffeine. My kids don’t get overly crazy (just normal crazy) when they have a sprite/fanta/not-Barq’s-rootbeer.

The first time they came home after receiving their first-ever caffeinated drink from their teachers was the last time they ever had caffeine. lol

An interesting correlation though, both of them are straight A students participating in the gifted math classes. It’s as if they’re able to sit their asses down long enough to finish their work. :man_shrugging:

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Cheetos. It’s the yellow #x.

I gave my kid some a while back, watched his personality change almost instantly. That ■■■■■■ poison.


I’ll have to keep an eye out for that. Fish crackers are about the only junk food they eat on a regular basis. They’re getting closer to the tween years though, so I know the constant need to snack is fast approaching.

Yep. CBD helps, but THC makes it work better. Plus it’s enjoyable to get high. (At least as long as you don’t overdo it.)

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And there’s no shame in enjoying a joint or a dab or an edible or however one wishes to partake.

I never felt any shame about drinking with the express intent on getting a good buzz and maintaining it for a few hours, and I see no reason why I shouldn’t enjoy my cannabis to the best of my abilities either.

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If you haven’t noticed it yet after a grazing on goldfish, it probably doesn’t have it or doesn’t affect them. I could see a clear difference with mine. It was a hyperactivity switch.


Or I’m not paying close enough attention. Hell, with how far I’ve come along in the culinary arts these last few months, I could probably just start making fish crackers for them. :thinking:

Cereal. My nephew had a mixing bowl and monster spoon to match. He would sleepwalk, go downstairs and eat a bowl of cereal. In his damn sleep!

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Not just that, I’m also thinking about how China makes over 200 billion a year simply selling hemp fiber for textile manufacturers, or how that hempcrete bridge in France is still in use over 1,100 years later with no rebar, or how every plastic you can produce from cannabis oil is biodegradable, or how you can get more paper out of an acre of land in one year than you can in 4 with trees, etc.

Getting high is just my own selfish want. The thousands upon thousands of uses this plant has is where it’s at.

Honey nut corn chex it is then. lol

And, it grows like, ahem, a weed. Doesn’t take years like trees. And being biodegradable is a huge plus. Don’t want the pollen around pot plants though. :slight_smile:

And I have to say, looking back through this thread - it was me, really, and not Nebraska that brought up dems and cons…


The War on Drugs has been working so well.

My bad. I admit I can’t tell you libs apart sometimes. Probably the weed. lol :angel:

Could be a bee killer. I’m back against.

Yeah, that’s it! :wink:

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Bee killer? There’s cbd honey.

Bees are not mammals, and do not digest cannabinoids the way we do, so they pass on the (IIRC) decarboxylated THC on to the honey.

But it has to be heated to decarb, no?