House committee approves landmark bill legalizing marijuana at the federal level

Bees love pot plants

But bees pollinate.

They don’t want the female pollinated. In comes the DDT.

Dont grow male plants and there’s no problem

Heat isn’t the only way to break off the acid molecule from the THC. Alcohol works as well, just slower.

Ah, I see where you’re going. Maybe just keep the plants well separated. I actually prefer a lower THC, but not hemp low.

Nope. Bees are not a cause of concern for cannabis farmers

I’m playing devils advocate. But we do need the bees.

True. I was making some tinctures and it was going to take way longer with just the everclear than it did to heat it. But unless the bees are ingesting alcohol, or pollen ferments in their tummies (like the say happens with Koala’s and eucalyptus leaves), it still wouldn’t decarb?


Yes we do. And bees like Cannabis so its a win-win


Depends on how their digestive tracts work. We digest food with one stomach, and we use hydrochloric acid and salt to do it. Bees have a stomach for digesting food and another for making honey. I don’t know all the details involved in that or what digestive enzymes they use.

By the way, I think I posted the wrong video. Those guys appear to be infusing regular honey.

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Quality marijuana is not seed grown and therefore this should rarely be an issue; female clones are all you want.

Mother plants are vital to a perpetual, consistent crop. Cloning is stupid-easy.

so lets try the “make more drugs be legal” approach!


hey you know murder isnt legal. but people still get murdered…

so make it legal!

(then you tax it blah blah)

That is not true. Clones are what the majority of commercial cannabis is grown from but it is not necessarily any better of quality

The first time I grew the stain went hermaphroditic; the worst.

Females produce feminized seeds from being pollinated by a hermie plant. It’s not the most stable approach to feminizing seeds (like with colloidal silver), but it’s cheap and effective.

Half of those feminized seeds will come out skinnier than the other half.

are you the one wiping out my AM and HAM radio bands with your arrays of electrically noisy fluorescent lights?