HOME DEPOT caught going CRT Woke

That’s the spirit!

I think the point of it is the opposite. They want to continually point out our differences instead of letting people just live and work in harmony and be color-blind or just cool with each other.

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this wasn’t even a program by the company it was one employee who bought in their own flyer.


Not finding that at all. Am finding it was the Canadian Division itself and was not authorized, not that one person did this.

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It’s a complete and total waste of time.

Whatever happened to not discriminating against qualified applicants based on factors beyond their control & training employees on, oh, I don’t know, the actual JOB?! Dealing separately with problem employees who get in others’ faces about such issues as political thought and groups they don’t like?

Personally what goes on at Home Depot, Canada or elsewhere, isn’t my circus :circus_tent: or my monkey. I don’t shop there because, quite frankly, the place has something of an odor, most likely caused by wood shavings, but still an odor.

The customer is right, though. He’s there for home improvement nonsense and not crap like race baiting.

I guess my question came from a position of ignorance. Because I don’t even know what you mean. I treat everyone equally. Other than maybe the difference between a man and a woman, there are no mitigating factors for how I treat a person I do not know. Sensitive to what?

Sensitive to the challenges minorities of all sorts face?

I just don’t know how that manifests itself. What would the employee do differently? Or is this just a thought experiment?

Not freaking out if a trans co worker uses the bathroom per their gender?
Not bragging about your college education to lowe income co-workers?
Maybe switching shifts with a jewish co worker so they can have a day of chaunka off?

You’re trying. I’ll give you that. I’m being a pain in the ass, i’ll admit. My mother actually called me PITA for just that reason. Made comical because my name is Peter. Which I hate.

Only a jerk is going to brag about their college education. It’s not accidental, it’s intentional.

As far as switching shifts, I’d do that for anyone. What I won’t do is go out of my way to switch shifts with someone because they are…

I really couldn’t care less what their issue is. On the other hand, if I know and get along with someone, I will go out of my way. But it has nothing to do with race, religion, or whatever.

Well, OK, that’s you.

But that’s not everyone.

I don’t really know…all we have to go on is a flyer, but these seem like plausible intended outcomes.

I don’t know either. I don’t consider myself above the norm. I think my approach to be quite common. I think it would be weird, or beyond the norm if I went out of my way for someone because they were black, or Jewish, or what have you. That’s not what people normally do. A flyer probably isn’t going to change that. Although they might try. Thanks anyway.

yeah, well, I think the purpose of programs like this is to develop empathy for others, and to encourage people to reach out in ways that are helpful to others.

I don’t…if you don’t care that your co-worker has to work on their religious holiday, I mean, I guess that’s that…but I certainly think some people just don’t think of those things and might conduct themselves differently when things are pointed out the them…

(not even sure this is a good example! Isn’t HD open on Christmas??)

I know this is 100% true for my, not about this exact issue, but I’ve certainly done and said things that made people very uncomfortable and anxious, and after outreach in the forms of personal interactions and formal programs, I rethought how I conducted myself.

I’ve learned not to share too much personal information on this site, so sorry if that sounds vague, but, I don’t know…I don’t think I’m unique. I think a lot of people say and do things that are callous or even hurtful, then when learning more about how and why others might be harmed, or not helped, people change.

What would being open on Christmas be an example of? I’m not sure if they’re open on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I do know they’re open on every other holiday.

Maybe you’re right. But from my experience, people are more likely to walk over you than anything else. But to me, the same rules apply at work. If you want someone t work your holiday, $$$$ is what gets it done. You can buy a lot of empathy. But now at my job, there’s too few of us to switch. We used to have anywhere between 30-50 collectors at a normal to large exit. Now we have anywhere between 3 -8. 10 at most.

The flyer mentioned not having to work on your religious holiday.

And so yeah, you’ve always expressed a more self centered POV. Including scaming NJ taxpayers like me by spending work hours getting tested despite having been vaccinated.

I don’t really think that way. I’d like everyone working fo me to be happy and have a good balance between work/family/hobbies…and for everyone to be sensitive to their coworkers and clients, re: race/sexualual orientation/whatever…

Because so goes Home Depot, so goes the world. :wink:

There is a point to be made that it does the exact opposite.

LOL what scam? If you scam your job you can be fired. I outright tell them I’m vaccinated, but they won’t believe me. The second they stop requiring proof of a negative test, I’m sending them my vax card info.

As far as having religious holidays off, maybe Home Depot can lead by example?

Right. You won’t give them your vaccination card because you can get paid not to work a few hours while you get your test.

You told us that was your plan. And that’s a scam.

No. They’re giving me the option. And I’m not paid not to work. I get that test on my own time and they pay me 2 hours OT to do it. But it’s almost walking distance from my house.