Hillary- "I'd like to be president"

It would be sooo cool to watch her debate Kamela, Booker, Biden and that Indian lady. Nobody is going to bow down and hand her the nomination like they did twice before. They’re gonna make her work. I hope it happens!!! :smile:


She only got the nomination once. You know that, right?

The thing you guys have for Hilary Clinton is something else.

baloney. it’s not up to me to gin up examples of how people were improperly or unjustly offended in opposite circumstances.

what she said is beyond staggeringly offensive if said by a political official who was not on the babified left

thats all there is too this. total hypocrisy

the end

The best part is when Trump supporters and conservatives who defend Trump here every day but pretend they don’t support him all complain about Hillary’s lies.

I love that part.

It’s baffling, unless we consider the effects of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh on a daily basis for decades.


You have to understand how silly this argument is. I know you’re not a stupid man.

would it be acceptable if say mitch mconnell said that? or lindsey graham?


As far as I’m concerned, it would be completely acceptable.

In fact, If Mitch McConnell was being interviewed, the interview confused Holder and Booker on TV, and he responded with “I know, they all look alike”, I would have thought it much funnier than Hillary Clinton saying it.

But again, this goes back to what I said before - context and intent are what matters. It’s less about the words you say than how you say them. I’m imagining it assuming the best intentions.

I read (but will not look up) that Gallup recently gave her a favor ability rating of 36%. If that is so, then how can she even joke about running again?

I stand corrected. It was her and Obama. Then it was her and Bernie. Everyone else bowed out and were afraid to challenge her. It looks like nobody will be pre ordained this time. It will be a big field. I’d love to see her there. A face in the crowd. It should be fun watching them out lefty each other.

She’s not joking about it and she will run again, or try to.

Trump has kept every campaign promise that he could keep. And he’s still going after the few that are left.

Do you love that part too?

well thats good you would find it acceptable.

but it wouldnt be. it would be met with widespread outrage all over the media

unlike with Hillary.

total hypocrisy

The lower her rating the funnier the joke. Get it?

Apparently, you don’t know me well. I absolutely love that Trump is in the White House right now.

It just might be impossible for you to be happier that Trump is president than I am.

So yes, I love that Trump is doing every single thing that he is doing.

Thanks for asking. I enjoy questions like that. You just cheered me up.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: it’s her turn.

I didn’t know you very well. Thanks for the clarification. Can I be your new BFF in a totally non creepy way?:nerd_face:

Yes, we’ve already been over this. You’ve already talked about your imaginary situation, I’ve already explained that I’m not obligated to disprove your imagination.

Well, you wouldn’t want to be my BFF if you knew my reasons why I love Trump as president, but let’s not think about that during our love glow.

Wat eva you say GF.