Hillary- "I'd like to be president"

Word to the broheim of another moheim.

Didn’t you ever read the Chronicles of Narnia?

Even as a young child, I remember being impressed by some particular words of wisdom from the Jesus Lion.

“To know what would have happened, child?” said Aslan. “No. Nobody is ever told that.”

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Holy Moley. She’s complicated, smart and witty. I’m out.

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It’s almost like more than one person can be a liar and one can even be a more prolific liar but not also be working toward everything we oppose politically while doing it.

“She” could be a woman or could be a man. Since it’s a liberal it depends on what it identifies as today.

Thats sweet. try to focus now

Lets review: Hillary used a racist expression

no one in media or democrat “news” made anything of it because they are all raging leftist hypocrites

you may now go back to your childhood fantasy book

Her recent “hot sauce” moment when she declared all black men look alike!
At least she did not say it with one of her fake black accents. Give her a pass. Join the resistance.

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You are absolutely correct and everyone knows it.

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thanks GD. Someone had to at least make an attempt to deny obvious reality for the vain sake of their agenda.

I guess it’s cool to say that all black people look alike. Just can’t tell one from another!

You know you’re cool saying it when you are certain you won’t get the Roseanne remedy. The lesson is know your audience. The devotees pause for a cue after an ever so slight gasp. Hillary follows up with a snicker, the interviewer awkwardly chuckles signaling safety, acceptance and approval. Green light! The worshipers replace their confusion with cautious giggles. All ends well in the double standard world of Hillary.

Part fear, part fetish…all fantasy -


Boo! Happy Halloween, Trumpistan! :skull::ghost::jack_o_lantern:

Why are you offended?

oh i didnt say i was.

it is offensive by the snowflake left’s standards

but by all means, please, continue to pretend “they all look alike” is no longer offensive.

it proves certain things beyond a shadow of a doubt.

ha. it must be now. which i guess is good as it shows the left is finally developing a sense of humor. that would actually be real progress.

now they can call themselves “progressive” for real reasons instead of deconstructing american culture.

Unless you consider yourself to be a snowflake, I don’t see why you have a problem.

yeah i know a leftist was racist so “ay ok kay”

Hard to find a lib candidate with more baggage.

Which is why Trumpists would love nothing more than to see her run again.

There is nothing SHE would like more than to run again - and again - and again.