Hillary Helping to Set the Stage for Post Election Chaos

Democrats have openly floated ideas for bogging down the election in legal disputes that result in Nancy Pelosi becoming president on January 20. That would depend on Democrats keeping control of the House in January 3.

Laurence Tribe: If 2020 Result Isn't Decided By January 20, Pelosi Will Be President | Video | RealClearPolitics!

They also have fantasized about military coups and threats of secession to win the presidency:

They are getting very dark and divisive.

How about the Republican cities where the murder rate is increasing? Who is responsible for those?

This is exactly what Donald Trump has stated, yet it is Hillary that is “setting the stage for chaos”.


Please sir - this thread is about Clinton. If you want to talk about Trump squealing about rigged elections and fraud with every breath, start your own thread.

Now then - isn’t Clinton terrible? :rofl:


It’s as if they don’t notice when the same words come out of the mouth of the President.

Best case scenario’s far exceed the 270 you assert.

For example, this poll has Trump winning again, this time with a resounding 362 electoral votes.

This same group also gives Trump a 91% chance of success this November.

And noteworthy is them being correct in 25 of the last 27 general elections including 2016.

Unlike many other projections, Norpoth’s equation ignores approval ratings.

“That’s a poll number,” he said, “and I don’t use those. I think the primary performance of a sitting president is usually a proxy for that. But I don’t use any polling data or data related to opinions.”

Norpoth’s model predicts a Trump landslide in the Electoral College.

That dude seems to be predicting that Trump will get 85% of the vote in NH.

That seems a little extreme.

Right. What was I thinking? Bootstraps.

How does that make her a victim? If anything, it goes to show how rigged the system is.

Oh please. Both sides cheat. The Republicans are just better at getting caught.

To clarify, President Trump did already get 85% of the vote in NH during the Republican primary earlier this year.

And Biden finished a distant 5th getting a mere 8.3% of the voters in the Democrat primary.

Perhaps many of you already forgot that’s where Joe got out of Dodge disappearing into the night air before the results were even in.

And thus far the former VP has not returned to NH since…

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Ah… now it makes sense.

IMO to use that as a predictor though doesn’t make too much sense. Biden was in a really crowded field and NH wasn’t a significant part of his primary strategy.

To me it seems like a stretch to make predictions based on things like early primary results.

How likely is Trump to win that second district in Maine now that they have ranked choice voting?

Nevermind, they STILL aren’t using it.

Jeez, what does it take to change rules in this country when the wealthy elite are not for it? It’s been four ■■■■■■■ years and they still can’t use it.

Amazing what a bitter person Hillary is. She still hasn’t got over being rejected.

Social media has been overwhelmed with people furious over the Wolf selective policies that favor big box retail and crush small business.

There was a car show near Harrisburg that was permitted to have 20,000 attendees while every other county fair was closed.

PA hasn’t done any better or worse on CV 19 mitigation. Average results with arbitrary guidelines.

Thanks for the reminder.

Fastest feet Biden had all year was leaving NH.

trademark of the clintons. they never do

where did he say he didnt plan to concede?


trump didnt declare that he will refuse to concede