Hillary gearing up for 2020

Are you denying that some forum libs said that Trump wouldn’t last 6 months, then a year?

How many times have we said you got the tater now?

Who said it?

Most republicans voted against trumo in the primaries. Or did you forget this?


10 chuckles

Your photographic memory is amazing.

And why exactly would this scare you if Beto beat Trump?

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I agree he would not have made it out of the primaries if it wasn’t such a crowded field. We don’t know as of yet but it’s quiet possible the democrats will field a large list of candidates for 2020 which is why I wonder if Clinton would use that to her advantage and position herself as a centrist. As of now the big names which there are few of all are all running to the left of Clinton.

It’s hard to say whether the radicals will move Hillary to the center or to the left.
One thing for sure- whatever she does will be wrong.
The woman is tone deaf politically.

Funny thing is - the Trump fans are the only ones that seem sure Hillary will run. It’s almost like they need a villain.

It’s their drug. They’ve been fed it for 30 years.

If the democrats give her serious consideration then they deserve to lose. Personally I think all the serious contenders are going to wait until 2024 because unless Mueller actually produces something that hurts Trump politically, Trump will be a two term President.

So true - we have had Obama being a secret Muslim, Soros who heads up a supervillain organization which puts even the most heinous James Bond villain to shame (I wonder if Soros lives in a volcano?) and who can forget the CLINTON ORGANIZATION.

Every freaking election the Republicans have to have a villain that their base can rally against.

I can assure you whoever is the democrat nominee will be the villain to the right :slight_smile:

Exactly. That’s why I called it a dark horse bet. She is very unlikely to win, but you have high hopes in the remote possibility that she pulls it off. Kind of like dreaming of how you will spend your lottery winnings. :wink:

“Republican Media” LOL :laughing:

Has Beto fessed up to the hit and run accusation yet? He could be the next Teddy Kennedy. :wink:

I will start a new “Hillary will run in 2020” thread next week.

Just because.

Like who, for example?

Give us a break! It not like Hillary hasn’t shown (and is still showing) serious aspirations to be President over the last 30 years.

And that s exactly how it is supposed to work.

And the reverse is equally true.