Hey libs. Do you really want to know why conservatives love Trump?

So, he is very simple minded. Duh.

And of course you would vote for him again…he is the closest we have ever been to having an authoritarian as POTUS.

Attempted to deliver. Heh. Shenanigans. It’s because he targets the people y’all want to be the social losers. It’s why you signed on and stick with him despite a legacy of lies, more lies, broken promises and abject failure.

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He did make it okay for his followers to be meaner and coarser, so there’s that.


But at least you know why we voted for him now. So there’s that.

It’s because he delivered or attempted to deliver on nearly every promise he made. Not all. But nearly all. The average conservative probably agreed with about 90 percent of what he tried to do. We’re used to about 50 or 60 percent tops. 90 percent is unheard of. We have never seen this in our lifetimes and may never see it again.

In our opinion. Remember that’s what I’m an giving you. OUR reasons for voting for him. Not yours. I am the world’s formost expert on why I support Trump. Need a reminder?

It’s because he delivered or attempted to deliver on nearly every promise he made. Not all. But nearly all. The average conservative probably agreed with about 90 percent of what he tried to do. We’re used to about 50 or 60 percent tops. 90 percent is unheard of. We have never seen this in our lifetimes and may never see it again.

Since when does ‘attempting’ count? He had 2 years of complete control of the government with a good-sized majority, and still got nothing done.
No infrastructure, no health care, no medicare drug plan- nada.

Spare me your hypocrisy.

Made it OK for the white supremacists who make up a part of his base to be totally up front with their agenda, so there’s that.


It doesn’t have to count for you. So it shouldn’t. I wasn’t asking why you didn’t vote for him. I told you why WE voted for him. We don’t need to justify it. But I thought you might like to know. You’re welcome.

so why didn’t he get those things done? I think I know- he made no attempt.

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I wish I could understand why Trumploving zealots adore a politician so much, but I gave up trying. Their logic doesn’t make sense. What’s not to love about a draft dodging, wife cheating, business bankrupting, born with a silver spoon, NYC real estate broker? A real “pull-himself-up-by-his-bootstraps” kinda guy. :roll_eyes:

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I understand this is your interpretation of why Conservatives loved Trump, I just don’t agree with your interpretation.

And having read this thread for the first 50 posts I am more than aware that you have no interest in what I think is the reason Conservatives love Trump, you just want to state your own thoughts and have the rest of us leave it at that, saying nothing and doing nothing other than agreeing with you and your insights.

Okay. Fun thread.


That’s not how it works. If you make such a claim, you need to provide evidence to back it up. Evidence to the contrary has been provided and you have done nothing to refute it.


He basically accomplished what Mitch McConnell wanted him to accomplish, mainly regressive tax cuts and the appointment of judges.

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I already explained. You are overthinking this. If you can’t understand post #1 you probably shouldn’t trouble yourself trying to “understand.” Your understanding is not a requirement.

You and I probably agree on a majority of issues. I have no interest in ever voting Democrat and I understand precisely why some Republicans adore Trump, but he was the wrong figure at the worst possible time for the country. Our politics are more juvenile and dangerously childish than ever, while the far left continues its reactionary ascension. That’s entirely on Trump and we’ll be dealing with the consequences for decades.

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I do not. Only if I was interested in convincing you. I’m not. Not one bit. I told you why we voted for Trump. You are free to created your own stupid fantasy of why we voted for Trump. I just offered you something real.

Fair enough. I respect that.

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Thanks. But it was meant clear up a lot of ignorance by folks who think they know why Trump voters voted for Trump better than trump voters do. I think I succeeded. If it was fun too, then yay!

You speak on behalf of conservatives? Oh, that’s right, you just speak for yourself. Your op should be titled why YOU love Trump. And believe me, why YOU love Trump might make sense for you, but I don’t care for politicians the way you do.