Hey BLM supporters. Y'all got played

Do you consider their acts to be in good faith and good stewards of the money donated?

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They donated 25 million of the 77 million they received. 42 million in assets.

Say what you want my friend…but I live their road and if you truly believe what you/they preach, then “to be first, you must be last” and if this were true in their lives, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

I have no problem believe there is fraud within that org. However, I will only believe it with evidence. So far, even with the returns publicly available, no fraud has been uncovered.

Someone should looking into the baby daddy and brother to make sure they actually performed real work for that money.

Let’s start with…is this their average annual salary? :+1:


You based your question on faulty premises.

Do you believe that I was told you are an idiot? Do you have any doubt about that at all?

But I don’t believe you were told the things you claim you were told. At best you’ve extrapolated your impression of what someone might have said. But given the propensity with which you fabricate stuff on this board, do you have any doubts that I can’t take your claims at face value?

PS: I didn’t even get to your actual question because I couldn’t get past the crap that I quoted.

Hope that helps!

So I ask again. Should I believe the people who have told me you are an idiot?

Did you read the OP?

That’s one example, do you want others?

It says none of the things you say you were “told”.

You prove my point. Go bother someone else.

Yeah…come bother me. @PurpnGold . :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: :+1:


Emphasis mine.

“Nobody told you”

More idiocy.

You linked YOUR OWN POST.

You prove my point.

Go bother someone else.

I did?

That you?

…and waiting. :+1:


That up-fist is you. The circled response is you.

And my post embedded in your reply does NOT tell you the things you say you were told.

Do you need to be reminded what you say you were told?

"…BLM never gave a dime in donations. "
" …there was fraud because executives received a salary. "
" … the tax forms would show fraud. "

None of that is in my embedded quote in YOUR post.

It seems like you are trying as hard as you can to prove correct those who say you are an idiot.

So should I believe them?

You should have used the search function.

You said they were corrupt in a thread about Patrisse buying a 1.4 million dollar mansion.

Are you denying that?

You seem confused.

That corruption has nothing to do with any of the things you were supposed to have been “told”.

Like I said, I don’t believe “you’ve been told” the things you said you were told. And with each reply you are reinforcing my belief.

So go pester someone else. @Smyrna offered to let you pester him.

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Everything WE were told was regarding corruption/fraud. All of it.

Even you called in corruption in the thread about buying a mansion. If you want to be informed. Reread this thread (which you have posts in) and the other thread (which you also posted in).

It’s all there

Patrisse had a dream too. Of owning many expensive houses.


Ah. Moving the goalposts from what you claim YOU were told so some nebulous “we”… And still not the actual things you said you were told.

Once again you convince me of my impression of your participation here. And you continue to validate what I’ve heard people say about you.

Now go bother someone else. You have a volunteer for that already.


I am, in fact, included in WE. :rofl:

I brought a receipt and you insult and deflect. Classic.