You haven’t been under a rock in a cave on Mars for the last four months, have you? They won’t even do the ■■■■■■■ briefings anymore because Trump humiliated himself with that stupid comment and he was done if he couldn’t rant at the podium. Been months.
Made mistakes is ■■■■■■■ generous. When’s the last time the White House has even allowed a ■■■■■■■ COVID briefing?
Before you answer, be aware it broke today that the White House has been intentionally refusing to hold them even when the CDC was asking them since Trump humiliated himself.
The executive branch is responsible for it. You out here like, why isn’t Congress doing something they’re not even allowed to do, the funded it, they’ve passed trillions in emergency stimulus, but did they really want it?
The young are always more willing to take risks as they have yet to come to grips with their own mortality and largely due to more than a 100,000 years of evolution where it was the thrill seeking standouts that got the most opportunities to reproduce.
It’s only in the last century or so that intellectualism was seen as a more positive trait than physical and athletic, strength and prowess by a significant portion of females.