“Look what you don’t understand is that the president is in non way responsible for this. He couldn’t have done anything to help this. Not his job. This time. I held a completely opposite opinion with swine flu but I swear it’s not about politics.”
State tracing programs are fine. Is Herman Cain now in Oklahoma? Could he have contracted it there and then travelled back to his home state, where he then tested positive? What is the Federal program that then contact traces and tests the people he interacted with in OK, seeing as how they wouldn’t even know he was positive if he were not famous? If he were Joe Blow who went to the rally, then OK is not going to even know they need to do contact tracing. That is why a Federal program is absolutely necessary.
Guys you just don’t understand that the federal government has no role in this. That whole “Center for Disease Control” and “National Institute of Health” stuff, that wasn’t meant to be serious.
Guys I never expected the billions that the federal government spends on this ■■■■ annually to actually be used for anything. this was always solely on the states.
Guys guys guys, really, the idea of a central database for this ■■■■ is just stupid. States should just call each other because this is apparently 1995 still.