Here we go Again, Rayshard Brooks Shooting

Nope, and I’m really not having an easy time watching another video of a man getting shot because we’ve messed everything up.

Asleep in a car, Knock knock, wrestle, lose at wrestling, lose taser, kill him.

Someone say “good shoot”, c’mon. 50+ results on our forum search for it, do it for me, just this one time, because I’m asking.


I don’t know. He was probably drunk, and needed an ambulance. Not a police investigation.

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I didn’t say he deserved to die. Such a common tactic in this forum to falsely represent what people said. This has nothing to do with what he deserved, but with whether the shooting was legally justified and possibly necessary.
No, the protests have something to do with causes about perceived police actions. They are not logically thought out. The person in Minneapolis was arrested within a short time and there was no indication that this was not going to be dealt with appropriately.
The looting, murders, and wildings…no, it is a mob mentality that has nothing to do with seeking justice.


All these towns can get rid of the ■■■■■■■ police then.

Woah, you’re right. My mistake. Let me amend that. Just because you think “the shooting was legally justified and possibly necessary” doesn’t mean the rest of us do.

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So its the status quo or no law?

Obey or die. What way.

Like three weeks ago I was arguing against sneaky.

He said we lived in a police state.

I said he was wrong.

I still don’t think I’m wrong.

But man do some of yall make my argument a lot more difficult.

Again, a subtle twisting of what I actually said, but I am through with you.

Not really. And, that’s okay. This topic makes me emotional and I should probably log off for the rest of the night.

In one sense, any state that is based on laws must be a police state, unless all citizens agree that they will comply with all the laws without the use of force.

The prevailing philosophy from many of this new movement are that the police do more harm than good. Also these communities can still have laws just a different means on how they enforce them.

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You are. Although that might be changing.

It’s not racism.

I’m watching Brooks’ lawyers. I’m impressed.

Definitly not always. Maybe not this time. Maybe that’s why this one just hurts me to see as a man.

white black pink blue doesn’t change a thing for me on this one.

Oh ■■■■■ One of them brought up living in the neighborhood, etc.!

I couldn’t handle all the violent news.

So I’ve been watching UFC.

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Fair enough. You do realize the narrative says it is, right.

George Floyd wasn’t racism either.

The problem is not racism.

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Shot in the back?

Dan Bongino doesn’t need to be on tv.


It could be poor training poor hiring, several other issues. If the guy was shot in the back trying to run away with a taser, that was wrong. I don5 think it had anything to do with racism