Here we go Again, Rayshard Brooks Shooting

watch the wendy’s surveillance video.

Rayshard’s running away, turns and aims the taser as the cop gains on him, might have fired it as he continues to run and is shot as he’s turning.

If they shot him after he fired the taser it’s even worse. It’s a non lethal weapon, and single shot right?

Why not? Is that censorship? Lots of Crazy censorship moves from the left already, Bro. Use the remote if Bongino is talking trash. He usually come back on point. I personally like Dan and get a chuckle when he an Geraldo Rivera fight.

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It is normal.

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Depends on what is normal. Coronavirus, Chinese Wuhan Virus, is really driven everyone nuts.

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Police authoritarianism. Have you ever thought about the meaning of “law and order”? Looked at the etymology of the word “police”?

The craziness is getting to a lot of folks Sneaky. I am wondering how these guys were trained. The hiring standards and field training may have been flawed.

Try training an Afghan or Iraqi to be calm is difficult. We are usually much better. I am wondering about the police recruiting in our own country now.

Are you going to lecture us now? What do you not like about Mr. Bongino?

I’ve been in nearly the exactly situation Rayshard was in. I got too drunk at a fancy pants charity party at a resort in Scottsdale Az when I was 19. Luckily I wasn’t driving.

It was my first time with bottle service, don’t judge me.

My friend took my drunk self out of the party and put me in his bmw. I passed out. I puked, kinda in the car, kinda out. I moved to the driver side, cracked the door incase of more puke.

I wake up to berries and cherries and 2 good ol’ boys poking the hell out of me asking me where the heroin was. Heroin? I told them I don’t do heroin but I could find some good pot. Now they think I broke into this car…

I was confused. I messed up, I got too drunk at a party, there were o’dourves! I couldn’t even spell o’dourves at the time.

Now they’ve got me on the hood telling me not to put my hands in my pockets but I’m cold and drunk and sick and wet I put my hand in my pockets again and again. They’re seeing me shiver and I’m starting to think they’re playing with me and so I started to walk away thinking that would get me out of it.

They kept circling and circling and before I know it I’m getting hit by the world and tasting the parking lot.

My fancy pants friend then comes out and saves my dumb ass. “My car” “I put him there” “sorry”.

and then, they let me go.

The thing is, at no point when I watch this video of Rayshard, do I ever think, that could have been me. I really think if that was my gorgeous face sitting in the drivers seat, things would go different. Because they really did for me.

So I read and understand you guys saying this isn’t caused by racism, and I have nothing to argue that in this specific incident you’re wrong… But I still don’t think this is how the situation would have ended up if that were me.

…and then, even still, if racism had nothing to do with this at alll, the cops messed this situation up badly.

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Neither situation was due to racism. Floyd was outright police brutality. This one was idiot getting a police weapon and attempted to use it on em.

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You were drinking underage?

Straight outta that grey goose bottle with a bowtie on while rich people bid on a charity auction.

You pick a fight with a police officer who always has a gun you’re risking your life and that is exactly what Brooks did. There is no way a police officer is going to allow someone to incapacitate them and take their lethal weapon, this was a totally justified police shooting.

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The police picked a fight with a man passed out in a car, lost, gave him their non lethal weapon, then shot him in the back with their lethal weapon.




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Do people resist arrest and flee in other countries? I kind of have a feeling they do. And yet those countries don’t have a problem with police shootings. Why is it that in this country police are so quick to shoot? There was no reason for this guy to be shot. It seems police here use thier weapons as a first option instead of the last option.

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Training. They’re doing what training somehow warped them to do.

We see that mindset filtered down onto the public here by people praising the results.

Yep…“Good shoot” Like its a ■■■■■■■ sport or game.

Why isn’t there a police problem in any of the European countries?

But that is what did not happen. As far as I know a taser is not a lethal weapon. If he had fired the taser and incapacitated the officer it would be a different story. But that is not what happened. He stole the officer’s non-lethal weapon. And in the process was shot and killed. And you call it justified. Wow.

All I can say if you feel like you are hyperventilating breathe into a paper bag . … you are probably losing carbon dioxide during hyperventilation , which increases the pH your blood. Breathing into a paper bag can help because the bag contains exhaled carbon dioxide, which might help you rebreathe.

Chill out and calm the ■■■■ down.