Herd immunity, the bar lowers

Gosh, had the Native people of south America only wore masks when the spanish arrived, they may have all survived the plague of diseases they brought…

I guess a bunch of people would believe that…lol!

I’m simply pointing out that plenty of work spaces are problematic for Covid.

As is 50k people in the street?

Outdoors is much safer than indoors, but sure, 50K in the streets is not a great thing for the virus.

What does that have to do with what we were talking about?

50k times better?

Can this be right? 6%? With 190k deaths, 6% is 11,400?

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I saw this also.

Most interesting data.

I don’t really understand it.

simple. only 6% of covid related deaths are directly attributable to covid only. the other 94% all had comorbidities (diabetes, obesity, heart problems… something else) that together with covid caused the death. in most cases, more than one.

this is likely the single biggest reason much fewer younger people die from it or get seriously ill. they are otherwise healthy without the complicating comorbidities.

So the 'Rona was only the root cause in 11k deaths? All the rest of them died with or presumed 'Rona?

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sort of. Thing is would those who died with comorbidities have died without covid? Likely not… yet. The comorbidities exacerbated and made the covid symptoms worse. They died from a combination of COVID+(x)

or better


Medical science keeps a lot of people alive without a tipping event like CV19.

Can we honestly say 'Rona has killed 190k people in the US?

I would not.

It has been politicized from day one.

Look at the story I posted about the care facility not allowing its administrator to talk to the state health agency WITHOUT a lawyer.

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no, but we can honestly say it was one factor, without which most would not have died… yet

How can we say yet?

because eventually the cmorbidity would have killed them without covid. when? who can say?

How do we know it didn’t kill them when they died?

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we don’t, and it did, together with covid

Fitty Fitty?