Herd immunity, the bar lowers

My state of Western Australia has recorded 9 deaths and we have 5 active cases as at the last day of our winter (31/08/2020). Out of 655 recorded COVID-19 cases in WA 641 have recovered.

What are the COVID-19 statistics for Texas?

Did you ever put out the wild fires?

Never did get an update.

Exactly Texas didn’t make the same mistakes that jersey did.


I provided updates in the Outside the Beltway section of this forum.

No ■■■■■ but it wasn’t because they learned from your mistake it was because we were not that ■■■■■■■ stupid. It was known from the beginning who the vulnerable were.

Just in case you try and deny what you said.

Where did I deny that mistakes weren’t made.

They were. And that’s why Jersey deaths exceed Texas deaths despite Texas having way more cases.


There is a huge difference in spread between indoor and outdoor events.

I think this story is of interest.

It appears to me that the administrator was under-reporting the CV19 results and got fired for it.

Then it looks like the owners over-reported the results.

A result is a result. The timing of all of this is especially suspicious for both parties.

After the next state data report on Aug. 10, when cases among residents jumped to 47 with seven deaths, and zero cases were reported among staff, the facility’s administration wrote in an email to reporters, in part: “On August 4, case reporting was briefly delayed due to an issue in receiving the correct login information following a change of administrators. Officials were aware of this issue and it has since been corrected. While we are continuing to take every precaution, we remain cautiously optimistic that we have turned a corner.”

Mr. Gorzelsky said that Mr. Berlingo did get a call a couple days after he was fired asking for his password login. But that does not explain why the figures increased and decreased depending on the week. The facility’s spokesman would not respond to questions about that issue.

There is also the insistence that a lawyer be present when communicating with the state health agency…

He was fired a day after Mr. Berlingo spoke alone on the phone to Joan Hebden, a consultant with the state Department of Health assigned to work with Monroeville, telling her about the problems with the COVID-19 case information that she was given in a phone call on July 28 by the facility’s director of nursing, Pam Poremba, the suit said .

Mr. Lowden had warned Mr. Berlingo several times earlier in July “that he should not speak to anyone with the State without the attorneys present,” according to the lawsuit.

Why he was not to speak on the phone without an attorney, and why the facility was not accurately reporting numbers to the state or county was never made clear to Mr. Berlingo, said his attorney, Adam Gorzelsky.


You didn’t deny NJ made mistakes and I never said you did. You said that states like TX didn’t make the mistakes because they learned from NJ which was false and you know it.

Mistake? More like criminally negligent homicide. The CDC guidelines were clear. Apparently Murphy thought cutting the nursing home budget was worth it.

Work is not an event. I don’t work with 50k people, inside or out.


It was clearly a mistake as the governor doesn’t go around killing people.

When were the cdc guidelines established. Obviously after.


I don’t work there.

Wrong again.



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Andrew Cuomo

stated on May 20, 2020 in a news conference:

“Why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes? It’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance.”


Gov. Andrew Cuomo gives a coronavirus update on May 20, 2020, in the State Capitol. At left is Mariah Kennedy Cuomo. (courtesy Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office)

Gov. Andrew Cuomo gives a coronavirus update on May 20, 2020, in the State Capitol. At left is Mariah Kennedy Cuomo. (courtesy Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office)

Jill Terreri Ramos

By Jill Terreri RamosJune 13, 2020

New York’s nursing home policy was not fully in line with CDC


  • The Cuomo administration issued an advisory March 25 that stated that nursing homes "must comply with the expedited receipt of residents” coming from hospitals, regardless of whether they are infected with the new coronavirus.
  • The CDC warned nursing homes to keep COVID-19 out of their facilities and said nursing homes can admit coronavirus patients, but only if they are able to properly care for them.
  • The Cuomo administration says that regulations that predate the pandemic require nursing homes to admit only those patients for which they can care. However, in the month following the March 25 advisory, nursing home operators felt that they had no choice but to accept these patients.

See the sources for this fact-check

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, facing criticism for how the state handled COVID-19 in nursing homes, has said his administration followed guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Approximately 6,000 nursing home residents in New York have died from the virus, and Cuomo was asked on May 20 about calls for a federal probe into how the state handled nursing homes, and in particular, a March advisory that sent COVID-19 patients from hospitals to nursing homes.

"I’m not going to get into the political back and forth, but anyone who wants to ask, why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes? It’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance," Cuomo said.

Is Cuomo correct? We looked at federal guidance at the time of the state’s March 25 order, as well as other state Health Department actions at that time.

CDC guidance

"Before the state Health Department sent its controversial March 25 advisory, which has since been withdrawn, the CDC released guidance for nursing homes.

The CDC cited two “key factors” to consider when deciding whether to discharge a patient with COVID-19 to a long-term care facility, said Kristen Nordlund, a CDC spokesperson. First, is the patient medically ready for discharge to a long-term care facility? And second, is the selected long-term care facility able to safely care for a patient recovering from the virus by implementing all recommended infection control procedures? These directives were in place on or before [March 23]"(https://web.archive.org/web/20200324163418/https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/disposition-hospitalized-patients.html),

This article is about NY but shows when the guidelines were in place 23 Mar. Over a week before NJ put their own guidelines in place 31 Mar.

is there something wrong with their masks?

completely false. and proven false over and over again. easily proven false too. the cdc guidelines were in effect before the order. your governor is guilty of negligent homicide… many of them.

We should definitely set US policy based on one citizen.

Should we set policy for the whole country based on a picture you posted on the internet?

Excellent case for not setting US policy.

You mean the invisible one’s?