Has Trump bottomed out?

Not in the same way as Hillary was. She also had a problem with likability. Some people struggle with that. She did not have any charisma.

Biden has his flaws but you also have to accept Trump is a flawed candidate as well.

Biden seems to be suffering from dementia. That is a biggie.

I don’t have to accept a left wing opinion that Trump is a flawed candidate at all.

He’s the best prez since Reagan.

I believe that Biden will win Michigan while he will win Wisconsin and/or Arizona. I know that you believe that Biden will win Wisconsin. I hope that he does.

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You are welcome to your opinion. Even when wrong.

Only to a trump supporter.

To a biden supporter it’s no big deal.

he’s pulled down 15,000,000 votes in the primaries.

The 15,000,000 don’t share your concern and neither will the majority of voters in November.

It’s fait accompli that Biden will garner the majority of popular votes.

Say 68,000,000 or so.


That he has dementia is crystal clear to all with open minds.


Only trump supporters and they are hardly opened minded.

Remember hillary being on her death bed 4 years ago.

It’s 4 years later and she is still kicking around.

Or don’t you remember that.


Hope you are right :slight_smile:

The facts are that the current state of our economy is an anomaly. The fact is that Trump brought about the best economy in 50 years. The fact is that be brought back millions of manufacturing jobs that Obama declared were gone forever. The fact is Trump got the unemployment rate down to it’s lowest point in 50 years and the lowest ever unemployment rate among minorities ever. About 50 percent of the voters know this and will vote for him again. Of the remaining 50 percent, a large percentage of people also know these facts but hatred of Trump prevents them from acknowledging them. It’s only a small percentage of people who actually are able to live in complete denial. Again, the battle will be who the undecideds and independents vote for. The fact that they are undecideds and independents demonstrates they will wait till near the last moment to decide. Keep praying for more virus, disaster or other catastrophies so that Dems can try and stick more stuff on Trump and give the kid sniffer an excuse to hide, and especially if he can avoid debate. That’s the only hope you Libs have…

Better his chin than his…Oh Never Mind.

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Fat Donald ignored the virus and failed to provide the leadership needed to address a global pandemic.


The economy cratered.

Fat Donald’s ineptitude is what has the economy where it is today.

Unemployment is greater than 10% and will likely be there for years.

Negative GDP.

Recession started in February.

Federal unemployment scheduled to run out in August and Drunk Larry Kudlow says Fat Donald is fine with that.

People are pissed and Fat Donald is toast.


Why? Only his core supports will attend or care about these things. And more people will raise a stink about the need for mass gatherings in face of COVID.

“Fat Donald ignored the virus and failed to provide the leadership needed to address a global pandemic.”

Is Trump president of the whole world then? Your post demonstrates you live in denial. The giveaway was your use of the word “GLOBAL.” If the rest of the world was doing great, very few deaths and few new cases if Covid; if the rest if the world economies were doing great, if our country was the only country or even one of a few that had lots of death and a near collapsed economy, then I would agree that Trump is the problem. But when you acknowledge a GLOBAL pandemic and try try to lay the death and poor economy on Trump, that’s just plain ignorant TDS.

Nothing more to say, you may return to your cave and keep watching CNN or MSNBC.

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because there will be sound bites that get spread around fro each gathering. clips, say 1:30 secs from a 2 hour gathering will be put around that coupled with tweets only showing large crowds will fire the base to understand that the race is not run but just starting

You were saying something about Trump being the problem?


Sure they dont

So propaganda for his base? People who were gonna vote for him anyways.

The chart showed July, missed that it was 2015, but let’s be honest. Comparing the entire chart, is it really a lot different than the 2016 numbers? Biden max lead 11.8%. Hillary max lead aside from when Trump had just declared (19.6%) was 11.2%. Across the spectrum, it was usually around a 5% lead for Clinton which is exactly what it’s looking like for Biden. There are ups and downs on each one but at this point, it’s not clear to me that Trump has an issue. Let’s look at the battle ground states:

Florida - Biden 3.4%
Pennsylvania - Biden 3.3%
Wisconsin - Biden 4.0%
North Carolina - Trump 0.3%
Arizona - Biden 3.4%

What did it look like about a month prior to the election in 2016? (It was mostly worse prior to that but the point is they were unreliable at best:
Florida - Clinton 2.4%
Pennsylvania - Clinton 9.0%
Wisconsin - Clinton 6.8%
North Carolina - Clinton 2.6%
Arizona - Clinton 1.0%

What was the end result?
Florida - Trump 1.2%
Pennsylvania - Trump 0.7%
Wisconsin - Trump 0.7%
North Carolina - Trump 3.7%
Arizona - Trump 3.5%

Like my point was, at this point, Trump was losing in 2016, though the exact date isn’t worse, the premise is still solid. He was behind by more up to this point against Hillary, especially in the battle ground states. That’s ok though, I’d love for you all to just think this is in the bag because I’d love to see the shocked looks again in November. :rofl:

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The economy isn’t an anomaly.

COVID exposed all its warts.

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