Has “Cultural appropriation” gone too far?

When they dress up as another culture, are they being who they already are?

Do what? Pretend?

Yeah .

Every year in late February and early March, Houston has a little what they call a rodeo. I’ve driven down a few times.

All these silly city people buy outrageous costumes and walk around out there complaining about the smell.

This is the kind of thing I saw. A lot of it.


This is the culture

See the difference?


The horse’s ass in the second isn’t wearing a hat?

Some will equate seemingly every example of appropriation to wearing blackface in a minstrel show.


Why is it worse?

:rofl: Yes I am.

I get that.

In most cases you can tell if the person really knows anything about the culture or not.

I tried the cowboy look one time just to see what I’d look like and I felt ridiculous. I don’t ride horses, I don’t herd cattle. My growing up experience was around diesel tractors and farm implements. We had gardens and deer plots. Not horses and cows lol.

So for me, wearing overalls and a ball cap or straw rimmed hat feels natural and I don’t feel like I look crazy. Mainly because I grew up around it.

Having not been raised around horses and the lifestyle, wearing the clothes that one time made me feel absolutely ridiculous. Like a fish out of water.

Why are we so interested in what others choose to wear?

Half of the music I play and listen to is by black artists and I am white. I’m from New England but often wear cowboy boots. Always have, since I was a kid. I cook a lot of Mexican food and go to Mexican restaurants owned by Mexicans. I say howdy and y’all and such in my natural speech. I build mission and shaker style furniture for myself. Some Art Deco too. Are these not examples of cultural appropriation? None of them happened willfully or more accurately, consciously, they just became part of the fabric of my life over time. IMO, none of them are an insult to the different cultures from which they sprang.

Wearing blackface is.

Do you have a Massachusetts accent when you say that?? Because that would be pretty funny in a cool way!!

LOL, not at all. I grew up in the hills with what linguists call a non accent, though steeped in country slang.

The boots are.

It’s my culture and it’s disrespectful.

Who gets to be offended here?
Blonde whites, Hindu, or both?

How so?


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Same as when sports teams are named after Indian warriors. Nobody names their teams after wussies.

There aren’t any cowboys in New England.