Harvard Scientists to Release Sun-Dimming Sky Chemical in 2019

Not germain to this thread.

This wouldn’t even be an interesting story if it wasn’t political. We’ve been there, and done much bigger for much stupider reasons.

You think mathematicians deal in absolutes? That’s weird i could have sworn the term “variable” is a primary component of mathematics.

If you mix salt with hot water that’s a good thing, which means that if you mix hydrogen cyanide with hot water it’s also a good thing.

Oh, look artificial pollution… LMAO!..

Science is the master race.

This is so silly. They might as well just sacrifice a goat…

…to the Volcano Gods…


…Or the great flood will come and drown us for our eco sins…

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No, a bunch of scientists incorporate the data into their trend analysis, which confirms it.

A little different than Joanne needing a jacket one day and deciding global warming is fake.


Ya nothing can go wrong with scientific eugenics. Is that a gay gene there? Don’t want our son being gay. Check. Light skin Check. Blue eyes Check.

the left is so idiotic it’s staggering.

how about instead of trying to reflect sunlight back from the earth’s upper atmosphere using some hair-brained impossible to work scheme we get china and india to stop ruining the atmosphere.


I wasn’t aware that it was an either/or thing…

And it’s funny you single out China and India, when there’s but one country in the world that’s not part of the Paris agreement…

So China signs a piece of paper and then does the opposite and pumps out more new coal mines than the rest of the world combined.

And this supposed to be an agreement to slow global warming when the two biggest offenders India and China are going full steam ahead.


Scientists don’t know ■■■■■

So what? If this guy actually knocked out a gene associated with HIV infection I don’t care about mystical slippery slopes.

focus should be on where the problem is. not on ri-ding-dam-diculous schemes

china and india need to pay on their own to clean up their own mess

I don’t think releasing a Tums worth of calcium into the atmosphere is anything to worry about.

You guys obviously have zero problem with factories and power plants pumping toxins into our air and water, why the sudden poutrage?

And the economic savings from preventing 1.5°C in temperature increases would more than offset this cost.

Hell, the Pentagon could do with $10B less and not even notice anything.

That you’d complain about $10B to help save our planet, yet gleefully suppprt $1.5T in tax cuts for mostly rich and corporations says all we need to know about your fiscal concerns.

where does anyone obviously not care about pollution?