Harvard Scientists to Release Sun-Dimming Sky Chemical in 2019

If what you got out of those three articles

Was ■■■■ happens

Then we have different readings.

The first two said global warming is happening.

The third said that global warming is happening with 11-year cycles with some cooling.

In other words

The warming is happening.

But not in a straight line.

The articles had graphs and everything.

Thanks for teaching me that global warming is happening.

I wasn’t sure till you showed me.

You’re a good teacher.

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Here’s a thought. I never said it wasn’t.

There is more to this issue than it it is, or isn’t.

My students love me BTW, thanks.

You’re welcome.

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I remember once when it was 70 degrees on Christmas day.

I was relieved because that proved winter was a myth.


Yeah, that’s what’s scary. Lol

Why not they are already making designer babies in China, next stop master race.


They heard there was a cooling coming. They’re trying to cash in and say they did it.

It’s not dumb.

You can trust me.

I’m an expert. :wink:

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Those guys (and gals) are engineers and mathematicians. They deal with absolutes, not hypotheticals like “climate scientists” do.

There is what?

…and now the arrogance is so profound, some want to attempt to play God.

This should be stopped…PERIOD.


The 11 year cycle is a sunspot activity cycle, not specifically a climate cycle. There is also a 43 year solar cycle and some evidence that there is also a solar activity cycle of several hundred years. The peak of the 43 year cycle last coincided with the peak of the 11 cycle in 1957. Since that time solar activity has been declining with each repetition of the 11 year cycle. Where sun activity is on the longer cycle, I do not know.

I know, I know, everybody’s an expert on this forum except me.

It was a minority position not even close to obtaining consensus in the science community. Climate papers that predicted a change one way or another overwhelmingly predicted warming.

Who thinks that? When the reports come out that confirm that the global temperature continues to rise, they simply nod and say, “Yep, what we’ve been saying…”

What an odd thing to say. There are tons of hypotheticals involved. That’s why they were on the edge of their seats before the landing was confirmed. Many things could go wrong.

And here I thought spraying aerosols into the atmosphere was bad.



Reread the article.

Then read an article about aerosols.


It’s a full scale program but is being rolled out in a controlled iterative fashion.

The first experiment is to release two plumes of 100 GRAMS each of calcium carbonate into the stratosphere and observe what happens (dispersal patterns, any unexpected chemical reactions, etc).

It’s not like they’re going full bore ahead and dumping gigatons of stuff into the stratosphere willy nilly.

Now…I have my doubts as to whether such an iterative reductionist approach is the best way to go about it. Humans are terrible whole systems thinkers.

But it’s way too early to sound alarm bells.

So if nature can do this without prediction…

The idea is simple: spray a bunch of particles into the stratosphere, and they will cool the planet by reflecting some of the Sun’s rays back into space. Scientists have already witnessed the principle in action. When Mount Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it injected an estimated 20 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere — the atmospheric layer that stretches from about 10 to 50 kilometres above Earth’s surface. The eruption created a haze of sulfate particles that cooled the planet by around 0.5 °C. For about 18 months, Earth’s average temperature returned to what it was before the arrival of the steam engine.

What happens when another eruption occurs AFTER this so-called cooling application?

Also…What about the latent heat UNDER the reflective film being held within the atmosphere?

More problem, than solution, if you ask me and I am also an expert.