Harvard Scientists to Release Sun-Dimming Sky Chemical in 2019

Seriously?? You can’t say you care about pollution why cheering the gutting of the EPA and rolling back regulations to limit pollution.

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Really? Of all the cons in here, I thought you’d at least understand the difference in climate vs weather.


Guess scientific illiteracy is now a requirement to be a conservative.

2018 is going to be the 4th hottest year on record. But please keep telling yourself that because Kansas has a blizzard we can ignore all other data.

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yes seriously

show where pollution has increased because regs were cut and epa “gutting”

You read that article again and you will see a different story than the one you’re peddling.

I never thought of that. Now it all makes sense. :wink:

I can lay down a pretty accurate group with my .30-06 but I doubt you want me doing heart surgery with it.

Bold mine

Hey, that’s kinda catchy in a can’t get it out of your head kind of way. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Eugenics in general starts off with good intentions eliminating disease and mental illness, wait till it hits the free market or a corrupt regime.

do you trust the experts whose research, findings and conclusions conflict with the “popular” ones?

ha thanks “ri-gaw-dang-diculous” (but damn instead of dang) might roll off tongue better and applies much more to the earth saving atmospheric reflective sequin release scheme

it’s maddening that people automatically cling to these idiotic notions. these are the same screwy scientists who are convincing the media the sky is falling

We play God all the time. We genetically engineer plants these days.

Not hypotheticals; the physics and math are absolute. What is not known is which if any of the myriad of things that can go wrong, will go wrong. That is completely different from the science of climatology where much of what can affect the climate is unknown or is so nebulous as to cause huge variations in the estimate of prediction.

I’d love to see their Environmental Impact Statement. :wink:

You obviously do not understand the term as used in mathematics.

The odd thing is though, that that one country has been steadily reducing its carbon emissions whereas China has until 2050 under the agreement to reduce theirs.

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you got it

they crank out power and endless other crap at super cheap overhead with no regard at all to the environment while we here in US are shackled by many needless regs while putting some of the profit back into keeping clean that crank up costs yet WE have to mash with the world’s worst polluters at world anti-us central


thank you trump!

You are misinformed. Toxins are not part of the global warming equation.

The question being asked is what other problems did he create for that child (who had an infinitesimally low probability of contracting HIV) by tinkering with her genes?

The EPA has not been gutted and regulations limiting pollution have not been rolled back. Where are you getting this crap?

Too ■■■■■■■ funny!

You see that 7 on the end there? That’s 7 billion dollars.

How on earth will we ever find the money for their crazy idea? :rofl: