Ms. Gay’s elevation to a lofty position at what is supposed to be one of the elite institutions of higher learning in the world was a fraud. A liberal elevated not because of her ability but because of she was historic…she’s a plagerist. Period. When asked a straight forward question about Harvard’s treatment of Jewish students in the wake of Israel’s 9-11 she gave some waffling stupid incoherent answer.
If Harvard has no standards who does?
Why should I care?
Standards matter. Merit matters. You folks in the left are destroying standards and merit in this country in favor of letting everybody in, in favor if this DEI nonsense, in favor of putting men in women’s locker rooms…hell your damn president is a known plagerist too (who also sucks at his job), in favor of indoctrination not education.
We keep hearing more and more stories of standards being removed from education…remember this story out of Oregon? “ Oregon just dropped all graduation standards, failing all of its students in the name of ‘equity’”
Ms Gay is just another example of what happens when you give away standards and merit and the pursuit of excellence in favor of something else.
I read an article from the Harvard Crimson that they interviewed over 600 people for that job. One wonders how many were more qualified and weren’t known plagerists. I ll bet there were even a few historic “1st Evers” in that big sample.
I can’t speak for anyone else but that’s why I care. No one wins with the left’s continued destruction of the pursuit of excellence in our society. Places like Harvard need to be about greatness, not DEI based indoctrination.
By the way apparently Claudine Gay will be just fine…she’s still on the Harvard faculty pulling down $800k a year according to something Dana Perino just said on Fox.
If this is true, I know I would be curious as to know how many straight, male (or female), white, black or brown candidates were rejected with legitimate comparable qualifications or better.But I’m sure Harvard Corp. when vetting Ms. Gay for the top snob job made sure all of her accolades were earned without question?
I’d say for a phony and a fraud that pilfered someone else’s work to gain accolades and notoriety this scam artist is doing quite well?
As I understand plagiarizing work according to the Harvard Honor Code is punishable by a mandatory withdrawal of two semesters or expulsion. If this is indeed true Ms. Gay’s qualifications are at best questionable, the awards and accolades have no merit. If Harvard Corp. had any integrity they should have their security/ police department assist the thief in packing up her ■■■■ and escort her off the property. Back in the thrilling days of yesteryear when I was a lad attending the University of Pittsburgh, before Mr. Nixon sent me that nice “greetings” letter, copying someone else’s work got you kicked out of Pitt for good! There were no appeals it was adios and they made it clear during Freshman orientation. The Profs knew at a glance if your work was original. Of course, then you had to sit on your ass for hours poring over volumes of books for research info.
They have exposed themselves of being guilty of antisemitism in the aftermath of the atrocities of Oct 7th. Even though Harvard has an endowment of 50 Billion they get 9 million of taxpayer money each year so we are literally paying for the indoctrination of idiot ivy league students rioting in favor of Hamas and against Israel, it’s unbelievable stupidity for the whole world to see.
TLDR Just because there may be more qualified people available, doesn’t mean the person selected isn’t qualified.
Have you ever been a hiring manager before?
There are ALWAYS people who are more qualified on paper than the person you ultimately select. There are ALWAYS more people who ACE the interview that don’t get selected.
What you want, however, is to make sure that everyone you do interview meets the baseline qualifications. It doesn’t matter if you are the Emperor of DEI… NO hiring manager is going to select someone who is unqualified. Why? Because that hiring reflects the leadership qualities of the hiring manager… if a hiring manager continually hires unqualified people… they usually get fired.
In the process of interviewing often the most qualified doesn’t get the offer or doesn’t accept. This can be for many reasons but usually
Any one Uber qualified probably is interviewing for multiple positions… so they have options
Job Requirements
Etc. When are you interviewing at the level of the Harvard President… the interview process is truly a two way street.