Harvard Pres. Claudine Gay,......Plagiarism or no? You be the Judge

You beat me to it.


So she was plagiarizing writing papers on minority issues, herself a minority, and 2/3rds of the people in the article she plagiarized were old white guys……lol

What a post turtle. :turtle:

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Would it shock you if I told you Al Sharpton jumped to immediately screeching about racism…

“ Sharpton condemned Gay’s critics as racist for questioning the integrity of a Black woman.

“President Gay’s resignation is about more than a person or a single incident. This is an attack on every Black woman in this country who’s put a crack in the glass ceiling,” he said in a statement to CNN Tuesday.”. https://okcfox.com/news/nation-world/al-sharpton-vows-to-picket-harvard-alums-office-who-was-skepticism-of-claudine-gay-an-attack-on-every-black-woman-claudine-gay-bill-ackman-cambridge-massachusetts

Never mind the obvious plagerism…never mind her “controversy over the past month, stemming back to a congressional testimony during which she failed to unequivocally say calls for Jewish “genocide” violated Harvard conduct policies.”…
Never mind that she was driving donors away and costing Harvard millions…

This was somehow “racist”?


He’s a hammer.

i know…,

leftism is an end unto itself to them, regardless of whatever consequences. that’s how they think. if they cant see it through then they blame. they never turn inward - ever.


Al not so Sharp ton is a disgusting race hustler…

Nothing more.


Gay is a serial plagiarizer. The cries of racism as the motivation for her “removal” are/ were predictable.
The woman was a DEI hire, not even qualified; a fraud. Any awards or accolades should be stripped.


I think this is sometimes the point of the discussion where I remind our leftwing friends….

If everything is racist…then nothing is racist.

I have no idea who else was being considered for the Harvard presidency when this woman was hired…but clearly she is/was not qualified for the lofty position she held.

This is what happens when you let DEI take precedence over actual merit in hiring.


Gay and her associates although coached for their big day before Congress did nothing but prove that their “high intellect” isn’t that at all. They tolerated cries for intifada and the genocide of the Israelis. They’re nothing but elitist scum and racists at their core.
■■■■ ‘em.


What were the qualifications for the role?

How do you know that she didn’t get hired based on merit? Seems like you and a bunch of other conservatives are assuming she was hired solely based on her skin color…

Proof? Zero.

But I’d suspect if she was white, the plagiarism wouldn’t have been swept under the carpet and she never would have gotten the job.


What were the qualifications of the role?

Are you assuming she got hired based solely on her skin color?

If she was white, her plagiarism would have been celebrated… or at least ignored.

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Show us an example of that happening that is relevant, not some obscure janitor somewhere.

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And as she was leaving the building she was heard to say: “you don’t have Claudine to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference.” :wink:

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I was about to post a counter-example but then remembered that even though one of my classmates plagiarized his papers and forum posts and was kicked out of the university, he still landed a teacher job because he claimed it was his politics that got him booted.

Honest question for those posting about this topic. Why do you care about any of this?

We think it is one example of a bigger problem.

The problem? Our universities suck and they are no longer about education. They are expensive indoctrination camps, Heck they are an entre indoctrination industry.


Her accolades were obtained fraudulently. Those making excuses or parsing words to explain away Gay’s thievery of others work are simply endorsing an unqualified candidate.
Besides, Gay continues to hold a position of “educator” according to her “resignation letter” along with a cool $800k/ year salary. Again unqualified because of fraudulently acquired awards.
But and lucky for the Harvard elitist scum, she can continue her racist indoctrination of the next generation of leftist loons continuing to endorse the intifada and genocide of Israelis.

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Apparently Gay’s skin color enabled her plagiarism to result in exactly that.