Happy TDofV day!

drag queens being there in drag is proselytizing. They are using their free speech to spread the idea that being a drag queen is a perfectly normal life choice.

its not. And they should not be proselytizing their degeneracy on my dime.


They read books to kids.

Yeah, what kind of books.

Books the glamorize their deviant lifestyle.

They shouldn’t be in contact with children at all.

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You guys all know that their parents take them to these things…. Right?

That these aren’t secret events.

while in drag, thereby making a statement trying to show its normal

its not

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Being a clown isn’t normal.

It’s a performance.

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Depends on the context. Robert Downy Jr playing a white Australian who acted in black face in tropic thunder was hilarious and I still quote that movie to this day.

Which chicks was also a pretty funny movie and that was two black guys dressed up like two white girls.

being a clown isn’t a political statement, its a performance.

drag queens are making a political statement by showing up in drag at schools. That is the entire point of them being there. They are not there for the kids, they are there to make a point


Drag existed when I went to school.

It is a moral panic.

Reading to kids is a good thing.


Can’t parents take their kids to have drag queens read books to them?

Was it pushed as normal and proper as it is today?


Were they invited to schools to give assemblies?


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And where did I supposedly say this?

Oh yeah.


It was generally the students themselves doing it.

it did when I went to school too, but no-one was inviting the degenerate freaks to hang around their kids and tell stories.

So if the parents are fine with Drag Queens reading to their kids… why do you care?

The parents take their children to Drag Queen Story Hour.

So why do you care if they do this?

So No.

Well your scenarios aren’t happening.

Drag Queens Story hour is completely voluntary and the parents take them to the event.

Where did I say that?

I have very clearly stated my position.

Now of course you will try and twist and turn it to attempt to fit your narrative.