Happy TDofV day!

Sure you can…I do…

Continue to criticize something you made up…

I will continue laughing.

I made up neither critical theory nor progressivism

Cool! Now do yours.

Ooh! A compliment!

There it is!

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Where my proclaimation?


Who does a male who identies as a woman have as a partner?

Who do drag queens have as partners?

Depends on his sexuality I guess. If they’re gay they probably have a same sex partner. If they are straight then they have an opposite sex partner.

Getting bitched at for not knowing seems a little snowflakey, in my opinion as well…

As long as transgenders get the visibility they deserve, right?

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Right on que.

Since people object to the normalization and promotion of a deviant and mostly mentally unstable lifestyle, especially to OUR children, that is somehow being “ hateful” towards trannys.

You are so predictable and so pathetic.

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Because unless they are right up in people’s faces pushing their agenda, their “rights “ are being denied.

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And I would beg to differ on the entertainment value but to each their own.

Doesn’t matter if it’s been around forever, it is only just recently that there has been a push to normalize it.

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Making a good movie. I can think of two in all the attempts.

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And male trans are not mocked or disrespected by not allowing them to use women’s bathrooms. They still have the same bathroom they were always allowed to use. The male bathroom.
Trans are not diminished in any way they still have the same bathroom available that they always had.
The left does mock and disrespect woman when they force women to allow males in woman only bathrooms.

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Your whole post is un-Christian like.

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No what they are allowed to do is make funny of and disrespect women. Would they be allowed to dress up like darker skinned males and make fun of them? Would that be funny?


I think it would help the conversation if one separated what they want in the trans movement. A or B or both.

A. If it’s dressing like a lady, sex reassignment surgery for adults. This stuff has been around forever I don’t see an issue and have zero problems with it.


B. Are you talking about preferred or mandated pronouns, adding speech laws, transitioning of children, and men competing in women’s sports? I can’t speak for every conservative, but this is the part they lose me on A. I could care less live and live, B not so much.