Happy TDofV day!



Perhaps people have strong opinions about religion and what you call the right wing outrage machine is simply a group of people expressing their freedom to speak…

The left wing Outrage Machine has certainly had it’s share of moments…They turned many parts of this country into a third world hell holes for the better part of the summer of 2020…Just as an example.

I have no problem with people of faith responding to Biden’s statement yesterday.

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.”

So contrary to all the commentary from leftists in this thread he did in fact put the full force of the federal government behind the Trans Day yesterday…Now libs are clammering that NO NO it’s the right wing outrage machine…

No…a collection of free Americans have taken advantage of the opportunity to express their disagreement with Mr. Biden inserting the government of the United States into some random day created by some random person. Biden has once again succeeded in dividing, not uniting. That man is simply the worst president and possibly the worst person ever to live in the White House.

Personally I agree with those who find what Biden did yesterday to be an needless stick in the eye of American’s of Faith.

I’m seriously out say whatever you want I’m fairly comfortable in saying I won’t agree.


I literally watched it unfold on Twitter from the second Biden’s declaration dropped.

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Of course you don’t.

Well isn’t that convenient.

It’s not a sin.


Why would it be a stick in the eye of people of faith?

Do you not understand this is a legitimate question?

No President is ever allowed to recognize a group or an event if certain groups of Christians don’t approve?

How is a Christian believer’s faith in any ways diminished by what Biden did yesterday?

What was the motivating force behind the social media outcry?

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Sure, snip out the examples of people calling for violence against trans people…that’s what people think some hate trans people.

Because they denigrate them and threaten them with violence.

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This isn’t about trans…it’s about protecting women.

Is that a problem for you?

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You’re honestly asking this question?

Read the Gospels…at whom was Jesus’ ire most directed?

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You said:

What does that have to do with protecting women?

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You think you got something there.

What you got was … triggered.

What we all have there is an example of people who display their hatred for trans folks by proclaiming their desire to beat them up.

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Yeah when libs try to sound like they are christian and then try and defend the pervert trannys i find it very hilarious and hypocritical

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here’s another example.

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Yup. Triggered.

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If you could be honest with yourself and others, you would see these posts explain why people think some on the right hate trans people. Has nothing to do with not supporting some agenda. It has to do with witnessing expressions of hatred.


Now I’m triggering you.

Is that the requirement now? Do I have to “accept” them as women and include them in women things?

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Attached at your ankles, desperate to get the last word in. I too broke a few (D)ogs in my time. :rofl:

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I am not promoting violence. You need to read what i posted.