Happy pride month...GOP acquiesces in culture war

I think that’s been covered. How many times are we going to go around this briarpatch, Jezcoe?

I honestly don’t remember covering it.

I am not sure why gay couples adopting children is a “mess”

Of course you aren’t. Deeply held beliefs are quite a burden to bear.

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Agendas? What agendas?

Well… when one doesn’t explain their opinion like at all… it is hard to respond to such things.

Apparently we already know and it is a “mess”

I’d probably quit if I were you. You wouldn’t get it anyway.

I’m curious what agendas gay couples are pushing on their kids. Perhaps GWH can enlighten us?

gay choice?… I thought we were past that.

What do I need to quit?

I am simply asking for what the argument actually is.

Simply declaring that there is an “agenda” and that a certain thing is a “mess” without explaining why those things are so is no way to really have a discussion.

So if people are to “get” things… it should be known what there is to “get”


Thank God for small mercies. :slightly_smiling_face:

Even if parents are pushing a political agenda on their kids (I’ll grant the notion that they are) how does that eliminate their rights to make decisions regarding their kids?

And I’m interested whether the heterosexual parents, similarly pushing a political agenda on their kids regarding orientation and gender, should be treated differently or not?

Amazing how quickly advocates of unlimited freedom of choice for parents to decide what’s best for their kids change their tune when it involves something they don’t like.

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Yes. Totally fine for heterosexual parents to normalize their heterosexual choices to their kids but homosexual parents shouldn’t be pushing their homosexual choices on their kids.

I’d still like a more detailed idea of what this agenda is.

Whatever you’re having trouble responding to.

You’re not asking anything pertinent, but rather trying to look for holes and disprove my account. It’s what I’ve witnessed, so sorry, no link for you. Also, it’s no surprise that I’m against gay marriage, and furthermore, same sex adoptions.

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It’s not your account that’s problematic, it’s your consistency.

I have no idea what you witnessed nor what the “agenda” or “mess” is.

Why? Both have been around for a while and the world has not ended.

Who you calling small!?!?