Happy pride month...GOP acquiesces in culture war

Parents used to be a man and a woman. Too often, I’ve seen gay couples pushing their agenda on children. It also happens with some single mothers with scorn towards their ex.


You have seen that too often huh?

How and where do you see it?

In life when I’m not sheltering in place.

So like… in the streets? At the grocery store? In a movie theater?

Where? How often?

You see things and hear about things when living life, Jezcoe. If you don’t accept my observations, I don’t much care.


I accept your observations.

Where did they happen?

How often do you see it?

In certain gay couple households that seem to have a political agenda. In some single women’s households that hate their ex. All things can be inferred from the initial post.


What would that political agenda be?

What is that agenda like?

Don’t get too defensive. I haven’t observed your household, and I don’t assume you’re pushing a political agenda on your children that influences them to change their sexual orientation or gender.

But if you would like addresses, times and names of those whom I’ve come in contact with through this life, I’ll try to think back, pinpoint that data, and pm that information to you.

Mostly just abusing their children to piss off their ex.

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I do find it interesting that things like “Gay couples pushing their agenda on children” and something something" single mothers with scorn towards their ex" is something that happens too often but what that agenda actually is in never explained… it is just a spooky word.

So we can leave it at that I guess.

There is an agenda and it is spooky.

She was well behind the party indeed.

And for no real reason, either, other than pretending to be Christian. Hillary Clinton referencing “marriage is a sacred bond” is like me preaching veganism.

Abusing how so?

Okay so the republicans only 8 years behind the times.


No. On patios, at bus stops, and waiting to cross at traffic lights.

So what concern is that of yours?

You’re now saying parents only have rights to make decisions about their children until they have an agenda you don’t like…and then we should involve the government?

In 2015 you involved the government. Someone needs to clean up your mess.


What mess would that be?

Allowing same sex couples to adopt.


How is that a mess?