Happy Nathan Bedford Forrest Day Everyone!

Ted Cruz and biggestal99, perfect together.

Who knew.


Someone actually thought this would be a good idea?

What shall we commemorate next? Benedict Arnold Day? Day of the Rosenburgs?

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A bunch of people back in 1921 thought it was a great idea. It was around that time that membership in the newly rebirthed KKK was exploding.

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So the GOP has sunk so low they now enact troll legislation? Don’t we want serious people in office?

Cons: “Why don’t black people want to join the Republican Party?”




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It’s less enjoyable than Megatron Day but far better than Skeletor Day.


didn’t this guy murder a bunch of unarmed union soldiers?


yeah, well, he did a lot of things.

I don’t get it. What does Bill Cosby have to do with this?


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Well this is the most offensive post I’ve seen on Hannity in a while :joy:

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Nah. When you have an insatiable need to post every 3 minutes, sometimes you gotta dig deep into that barrel to come up with original material.


Or, you know, they are just southern conservative racists like the southern Democratic Party of the 1860s-1960s.

Come on now, he was trying to make a joke. It just sort of fell flat really. Not even golf clap worthy. Sorry Sneak just telling it like it is :smile:

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■■■■■■■ treasonous trash.

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but did they kneel during a song?

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worse then that he should have been hung for what he did at Fort Pillow.

One of it’s biggest advocates was Woodrow Wilson.

And he was a racist. But that was before the Democratic party left Reagan Democrats.