Happy Nathan Bedford Forrest Day Everyone!

Almost as bad, the law requires an Abraham Lincoln Day (Feb. 12)

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.”
Abraham Lincoln 1858.

That isnt going to work. I’m not going to waste anymore keystrokes than are absolutely neccessary to tell you just how stupid it is to compare Lincoln to Forrest.

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did Ahrham Linclon murder a bunch of surrendering union soldiers?

of all the Confederate General Forrest is the single worst the only thing he deserve is to be hung from a tree.

The law this thread is about honors both of them- possibly for similar reasons.

There shouldn’t be a law honoring someone like Forrest.

Worst in what way? Strategically, he was probably the best.

“After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side…He had never read a military book in his life, knew nothing about tactics, could not even drill a company, but had a genius of strategy which was original, and to me incomprehensible.”
Gen. William T. Sherman

You think its appropriate to honor a US traitor, a lead man for the KKK, and a murderer of black people and ordering the murder of said people?

Wow. I cant much more without eating a timeout so I won’t. Geez.

The massacre of Fort Pillow.

He order the murder of surrendering union soldiers or was so inapt that he couldn’t stop his own troops from murdering surrendering union soldiers.

either way he doesn’t deserve to be honored, he doesn’t deserve anything he should have been hung.

Have you ever wondered why they dont honor Hitler in Germany or pretty much any other European country?

It’s because those people recognize just because Hitler was strategically good at genocide that wasnt something to celebrate. I wont tell you what to do, but you are digging a hole here and there isnt oil down there.

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we had a similar situation in Canada when Meti killed a POW, the person who did it was hung for it. (My forefathers took part in this conflict, they were sentence to lesser crimes).

The Judge even said he wasn’t being hung for treason but for murder. (He was on trial for treason not murder)

Why don’t you celebrate with some more Mexican and Muslim jokes?

Normally people who know they cant defend the indefensible dont bother trying to do so, especially doing so using perhaps the worse example they can for a whataboutism scenario but its Saturday, and why the hell not post something that wasnt well thought out in advance. Usually this involves ones favorite adult beverages.

This would be a perfect time for one of our former Neo-Confederates to appear out of the blue and start the long lecture about how the South was the innocent party in the Civil War and they were oppressed by the North. And to remind us of all the good things about slavery that no one will talk about (except Tucker Carlson, it seems).


He was a war criminal.

He was basically the Civil War’s Joachim Peiper.

He was a brilliant cavalry commander. But he was a war criminal and a murderer. Much like Peiper who was a superb tank commander. But his forces perpetrated the malmedy massacre.

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I think Rommel might be the only general from WWII to have been given modern honors in Germany.

Why is it always Republicans defending Confederates, especially reprehensible one like Forrest?

Bizarrely, it seems also to be universally Republicans who try to throw Lincoln under the bus.

It’s almost like there has been a major change in the parties.

Interestingly, it is always republicans who try to deny there has been a fundamental change.

Consciousness of guilt.


Was the Malmedy massacre any different that want American paratroopers did on D-day?

Because it was the democrat party back then so they must still be the racists.

So we’re still out here honoring traitors and terrorists organizations…this is America?

Hmmmm must be a dem, surely no member of the GOP would do such a thing. Right?

Right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: