Happy Anniersary, from Planned Parenthood

I throw my money at things that get results.

Browbeating young men and women doesn’t stop pregnancy.

What is the “real” problem.

People have sex

It’s like it is almost a function of our bodies or something.

It is also strange to assume that it is only men who advocate for providing easy access to cheap or free birth control.

If you want to reduce abortions, go with what we know works. What’s wrong with that?

Pro life woman are judging the morality of woman who have had abortions and woman who have sex when ever they want.
I work with woman who have had abortions and let me tell you your fix did not fix their problem. It compounded their problem. Some of them it even caused their death. And not one of these woman said if only I would have had free birth control and sex education I would not have not this problem.
Fix the real problem.

Throwing money at the problem is not going to fix it either. Open your eyes and see.

What will fix the “real” problem?

But money being thrown at “the problem” is not all that’s being done.

That’s the point.

Yea, that’s totally the same as removing a fetus from a uterus.


Reserve sex for marriage. Conceive babies in love.

That works.


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How does one enforce that?

To be fair, it’s not really about judging the past, but trying to change the future. I like this quote:

“The purpose of the pro-life movement is not to impose guilt over past decisions, but to impart wisdom over future decisions.” (Dr Mike Adams)

To someone with an acceptance of human biology, it most certainly is.

How does one enforce anything? How does one enforce the use of contraceptives?

Someone with a moral heart doesn’t require enforcement of anything.

Well… not every one is moral or adheres to the same version of morality.

So… that isn’t really a good way to effect the policy of reducing abortions… if that truly is the desire.

Sorry but their not.

Right. But you were mentioning “what works”, and if people adhered to that morality, it would work.

Let’s do what works. (Not just what YOU want to see work.)

So money is more important than preventing abortions. Got it.

Or CHOOSE NOT TO, you guys always ignore that.

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Wishing something to be won’t work.

Let us dwell in the realm of what is real instead of what is wanted but never attainable.

If the goal is to reduce abortions, we know how to obtain that.

Why not do that?

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The problem is it costs them money.

We don’t push for abortions, it is a fetus, and keep your paws out of my sister’s womb.