Happy Anniersary, from Planned Parenthood

Free birth control, sex education works. What’s wrong with that?

It doesn’t work.

But it does give moralizers plenty of opportunity to moralize…which is the actual goal.


Telling people not to have sex doesnt stop the from having sex.

Like i assume you where a teenager at one point

People are going to have sex why not teach them about doing so safely

They not only restrict birth-control, they want to restrict adoptions, health care, food stamps, parental leave, education. It’s not about the sinister evil act of “murder”. If it were they’d be fighting for a ban on in-vitro fertilization, which results in MILLIONS of discarded embryos every year.


Your high horse is resulting in thousands of abortions.




Of course it does.

You just don’t understand it because you reject that morality.

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Telling them to use contraception doesn’t make them use it.

Safely occurs within a loving marriage.

No…I know it doesn’t work because I’m living in reality.

The world you espouse does not exist.

It never has.

It’s almost like humans like to have sex or something.

Weird that.

The statistics for the former say if you give it to them, they are likely to use it.

The second has never ever happened exclusively.

You’ll have to speak for YOUR reality. If you don’t have a loving marriage you’re living in, then that’s YOUR reality.

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Nothing happens exclusively.

After all, “there’s always going to be abortion”. No matter how much contraception you throw at them.

Ah…your problem is you’re thinking I’m staying at the individual level like you are.

I’m not…what you espouse doesn’t work for society as a whole…never has…because…enough people and genetic diversity.

Less abortion if you use contraception than if you moralize at people.

That people still debate this is quite frankly unbelievable.

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It’s almost like the results don’t actually matter, just the moralizing

No one will stop your wife from NOT having abortions. Why the need to control women who aren’t your wife?

I agree.

With most women working outside the home, who is it who cannot afford birth control? Not trusting the mail order pharmacy of a former employer years ago, I paid for my own.

Didn’t become pregnant until I married & we were on the same page about having a child. I’m sure even feminists feel insulted.

They fought for women to have opportunities so as not to depend on others—yet there are those who argue they can’t afford anything & must be dependent on parents until they’re between 26 & 30 & perpetually dependent for birth control after that.

Everyone else pays pharmacy co-pays, they can man up & pay for their own birth control. Or, offense will be taken here by certain individuals, they can stop sleeping with men who don’t share their desire for a or more children.

But no, according to these individuals, restraint isn’t possible. Yes, it is a very insulting attitude they have.

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