Hannity interviews James O'Keefe

I don’t think exposing a private diary is the same as a leak of government papers of tax records and such. Do. You?

How many retractions has this journalist had to make for reporting mistakes or lies?

Nothing forces a “journalist” to retract if they choose not to. One must have some ethical standards to do so. Ponder that with O’Keefe’s pristine record.

How about losing a lawsuit?

BS, my grown daughters have sat on my knee from time to time, might even hug me while they are at it.

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Yep, O’Keefe has lost a lawsuit. Good point!

Yeah…I’d cut it short too because taking the whole of what I said, proved you wrong.

You mentioned lawsuits. I’m just agreeing with you that O’Keefe losing a lawsuit shows his lack of veracity.

OK, so you don’t think it’s creepy…you do you.

Nothing creepy about it, it’s not making out.

If the wasn’t my daughter I’d be dating her…

On a shock jock show where saying the outrageous is kind of what they do. Can’t pretend it was a serious statement honestly. The other one was more egregious, something about her being a hot piece of you know.

Yeah. So all that together with the pic…I think i’s creepy. You don’t.

Pick three isolated things out of anyones life and it’s pretty easy to paint any picture you like. If I were you I’d be more concerned with the guy whose daughter is writing about inappropriate showers with dad. My daughters might sit on my knee every once in a while but there has never been any co showering.


How did they get it to publish it?


So instead of listening to trump say his daughter is hot and he’d be dating her, you’d rather focus on the alleged entries in a private diary.

Because after all, you are trumps greatest critic.

Dunno. Do you?

I agree it is unfortunate her diary is out there but I never reject data no matter how it is obtained, barring any illegal activity on my part, consider me a journalist.

If she wanted it private she should have secured it.

Entirely possible she sold it. Or left it in a drawer at rehab. All we have saying it was stolen is the word of an addict.