GW...nah..nothing to worry about

Well in that case it’s working.

If we had a president with some brains he would pull us out of that joke…

Oh wait we had one of those and then we elected Biden.

Perhaps you would like to provide answers to this:

What level of CO2 reduction is needed to make a significant impact on reversing the effects of climate change; when will we see the results; and what will they be?

Part of the problem. Lol


Nope… preparing for the future.

I am on the die before it gets really bad train.

Do you lefties believe crippling America’s economy…you know the economy of the country that has actually reduced greenhouse emissions…is going to somehow solve global warming…

Cause that’s basically what your political leaders are advocating.

I know… there is absolutely nothing that we could do.

Be sure to die before it gets really bad.

Oh wait we had one of those and then we “elected” Biden.

Fixed it for you. :wink:

Well done thank you.

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:+1: :grinning:

We can start with pointing the finger of the parts of the world frying the planet which are mostly in Asia and protest them building new coal fire plants each week. Why does Greta Thunberg and her group need to lecture western countries like Denmark and France when they don’t emit 1/1000th of the carbon China does. I believe in AGW I want it to slow down but I think putting ones head in the sand like many in the west do pointing the finger at the west while ignoring the horror show in the east is the correct approach. It is a Global problem not a western problem. At this point the west has been the only ones making substantial cuts while China and much the rest of the developing world is partying like its the industrial revolution.

If ones counter argument to this is, “well they need time to grow out of poverty”, that’s is fair but at the same time one is admitting the problem is not the end of the world problem some in the west have been screaming about. To combat the problem one has to go to the source and the source is easy to find and one doesn’t need to find a right wing source to point to it.

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Right… there is nothing that we can do… might as well spend time pointing fingers instead of taking action.



China’s emissions are driven by Western demand.

We are filling one hole in as they dig 20, have you seen their plans on new coal fire plants? They are planning 247 massive sized new coal plants across Asia. What possibly can we do here that will offset that? They are speaking with a fork tongued promising cuts signing treaties while doing something much more sinister to the environment. There is nothing we can do to offset that, it has to begin there. Again I agree with democrats this is a real global problem. I can also see where the vast majority of damage is coming from. We can punish every producer of carbon in the west they are negating everything we do at a rapid pace, to ignore the giant problem is to ignore the problem altogether

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I am with you .

There is nothing to be done.

Why even try?

Pointing and blaming is much easier.

That is what they thought in Oregon and Washington, until they started dying from heat strokes.

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Come on man.

I am serious, it never gets too hot there, no one has AC up there. And this year it was clocking over 100F for weeks, tons of folks died in the Pac NW. I visit SF often and it is hard finding a hotel with AC in years past, and I always want AC. Now? A lot easier, it is getting hotter in typically cooler places.

Nice article in Forbes about it…

Are there solutions that don’t cost trillions? That’s all I’ve seen proposed… a la Green New Deal.

I’m fine with taking steps… but not this alarmist put our entire economy’s output into these massive projects immediately or we’ll die in 5 years.

And Houston has been rained on every day for the past 2 months. You think man caused that? That passes the common sense test?

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