GW...nah..nothing to worry about

The loudest voices in Congress over this issue are also the biggest defenders of the Cuban police state and endlessly carp on “equity,” all while their party officials dumb down math and science education across the nation. How will future generations innovate if progressives believe that gifted and talented students are products of privilege and should be held back accordingly? You’ll have to forgive us for questioning the type of nation their “climate change policy” actually intends to create.

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The problem is the time for baby steps is pat.

But I agree with you on proposals like the Green New Deal.

Because again…humans suck at whole systems thinking.

Any political initiative is bound to be filled with unintended consequences that likely will make things worse.

Because political initiatives usually don’t take into account whole systems thinking.

Well, Houston has a history of floods and hurricanes, so it wouldn’t be unusual to get rain. My point is, there are parts of the country that aren’t habitable or at least aren’t optimal for farming and the like, and engineering for the most part has made many of them commercially viable. But it is not sustainable because they are stealing fresh water from places where farming is viable to do so.

You can create a farm in a desert, but when the water dries up, that is merely predictable.

So when I see folks in Utah complain about drought, I wonder what they are seeing I am not. Salt Lake City looked like a city planted in the middle of a desert, same with Vegas. They are growing almonds in California which takes a ton of water to do, where there is no ample supply of water.

But there are some interesting changes, Texas is getting a lot more snow and Washington State is getting a lot hotter. We in Detroit are getting very little snow and warmer winters, with a LOT of rain in the Summer. We are seeing animals in the Detroit area I have never seen in Michigan. There is something going on.

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Based on what?

…because the country that saved the world in WWII and landed on the moon can’t possibly reduce emissions without destroying itself…

I’ll remember the attitudes in this thread next time people here start blubbering about American Exceptionalism…

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It doesn’t have a history of that.

You think man caused this?

Is reducing emissions.

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Convenient to ignore the graphics of coal plants closed/opened that was posted recently.

But that’s just standard libbing. :man_shrugging:

It will cost way too much money.

So let’s do nothing.

I have always thought that we could literally fund a transition to clean energy and pay off the national debt by accessing the shale deposits in the Western Basin, most of it owned by the Federal Government. They have the largest existing potential deposits of petroleum and natural gas than anywhere else in the world and sit largely intact. Easily a hundred trillion dollars worth.

We aren’t going to be green overnight, but this could fund it much faster and economically.

I think man contributed to it, some of it is cyclic. Saying man has no effect is equally as silly as saying man is wholly responsible.

Please, therefore, point to a link that answers the actual question posed earlier:

“What level of CO2 reduction is needed to make a significant impact on reversing the effects of climate change; when will we see the results; and what will they be?”

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Who is ignoring it?

I am agreeing with you guys.

There is nothing to be done.

Progressives in power won’t even consider nuclear, let alone a proposal as sensible as this one.

Do you agree that industry is more conscientious and cleaner than it has ever been in this country? That there is more regulation than ever before in history? And if so, how is it getting worse?

What does man do with coal that remotely compares to a volcano erupting for example?

I agree with some of it, the plastic garbage islands for example. We need to clean that up.

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Our government allows the manufacturing of goods sold here, to be produced there where pollution standards don’t even exist and then bitch to us here about “man made global warming”.

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Be honest. If you can.

“Us guys” are NOT saying there is nothing to be done.

You posts in this thread are just basic trolling. Dishonest. Disingenuous. Disgusting.

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Yeah, that’s totally what I’m not saying.

What can be done then?