Gun supporters please read this

I’m surprised that you think that all the work I’ve done in my life isn’t anything.i worked and sacrificed my entire adult life to raise responsible children who don’t think the world owes them.

My point to all this is we need to fix ourselves ya know? Take care of yourself and yours. Take responsibility for yourself and yours.

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:+1: :clap:

The exploitation of life and death is a heartless and soulless liberal tactic.

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No it’s not Roxie. People of all stripes do it, you’re here doing it with that statement.

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I like the “make guns safer” idea when the car comparison is made. Although I’m not quite sure how that works.

“Cars are highly regulated! Manufacturers are constantly looking to make them safer!”

How does that apply to guns?

Then what about the 95% of all gun deaths that are do to handguns? At best you just saved 20-50 people out of the over 10,000 who are murdered by guns each year.

The Virginia tech killer used a low powered 22 handgun and killed 33 people. This is a feel good fix that will accomplish nothing, unless saving 20-50 a year is the ultimate goal.

That’s the goal.

Do they need to stamp the claymore message on the front of the barrel?


Perhaps they haven’t seen the safety literature that comes in the box now days.

It’s written in foriegn language. :wink:

I’m trying to figure out how it’s possible to want to put so many restrictions on legal gun owners but it’s ok to endorse a movie about hunting conservatives. What would happen if the tables were turned?

This doesn’t sound like anything a box of crayons can’t handle.

Have you been out in public in the last decade?

I believe in the rights to make what ever movie you want as long as it doesn’t incite violence.

Is that too much to ask…I’m being reasonable? We need to compromise. Right libs?

Not saying you’re lib…just using their talking points. :wink:

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Honesty is the best policy :+1:

I don’t belong to either party, I’m just asking what would the outrage be if the movie was about conservatives hunting liberals? I think we know the answer.

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Doesn’t matter. Libs need to be reasonable, they need to compromise. Do their part. :wink:

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You post an article from our Fifth Column ring leader press and expect the well informed to surrender the one guaranteed right which allows the people, if necessary, to rise up and protect their other rights, and protect themselves from an oppressive government.

The fact is, in every oppressive country like communist China, socialist Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela, a socialist dictatorship, the people are disarmed and suffer the loss of their inalienable rights under an iron fisted government which lives large on the people’s labor. Forewarned is forearmed.

No! Thinking Americans will not surrender their right to keep and bear arms to protect themselves and a “free state”, and especially won’t surrender this fundamental right when we have communists and socialists like Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, etc., in government who would not hesitate to round up and jail all those who would resist their socialist/communist ideas.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755

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I take it you didn’t read it.

You still havn’t responded to the articles I posted.