Growing evidence that Wuhan coronavirus orginated in a lab

Please keep em kleen

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Could still have been Wuhan bat ■■■■ virus engineered into something more contagious than it already was. That option is still on the table.

Pretty solid support for the theory of escape from a Chinese lab. They’ve been working with the virus since at least 2016.

If I was intending to deliberately release a n engineered strain of that virus because I was losing an economic war, that would make a great cover-story for my eventual release of the virus at a later date, supposedly by accident. Just saying.

There’s absolutely no evidence that it was engineered in the lab only that they were working with it and in lab after they discovered it.

I said it’s a possibility still on the table. I’m not claiming it’s proven. Some labs report the evidence of splicing: pshuttle present. Others deny it.

There’s just absolutely nothing about the structure of the virus to suggest that it was engineered in the lab.

We know they were working with this virus or one extremely close to it over two years ago.

A recent study shows did China’s failure to act they’re covering it up for 2 months led to 95% of the spread of the virus around the world.

I run from conspiracy theories on the hoe but I think it’s highly probable that once they figured out how hard this virus was going to hit their economy they made a conscious decision to let it out so that it would break the rest of the world’s economy at the same time that way they wouldn’t be left behind.

ESPECIALLY the part about preventing!

Chemoprophylaxis is a real thing read up on it.

Evidence suggests that these drugs work for that purpose with this disease.

Given the history of leaks of SARS and other dangerous viruses from labs in China, I think that an accidental release from a lab is a more likely scenario. A lab release also helps to explain China’s reluctance to acknowledge the early spread of the virus.

New reports confirm that the virus appears be the combination of two different coronaviruses:

That combination may occur naturally in rare cases in cells that are infected with two different viruses. It can also occur in gain-of-function experiments such as documented in links in the OP.

Chinese reports admit that the virus did not originate in the Wuhan seafood market, and many of the earliest cases were not associated with the market.

My opinion is that a lab in Wuhan probably had a role in the outbreak. That could include creating the virus through genetic engineering or through infecting animals with different coronaviruses as part of experiments.

I’m not one to jump on any conspiracy bandwagon, but this makes more sense than bat soup.

The Chinese government is certainly sensitive to criticism of it handling of the coronavirus epidemic, so they have worked to suppress any critical evaluation of the source of the epidemic.

For example, China has recently threatened the US with withholding exports of medicines in response to criticism of their handling of the coronavirus epidemic:

And China has worked hard to influence the US entrainment and news media, which normally complies with Beijing’s pressure.

In the Harry Potter series, the arch villain was referred to as “he-who-must-not-be-named”.

When it comes assigning responsibility for the worldwide coronavirus epidemic, most of the media has adopted the policy of “xi-who-must-not-be-named”.

This thread is all kinds of fun whackadoodles.


Maybe we shall see.

Thank you for showing up and posting your comment. You might be on top of something.


The Chinese and their ■■■■■■■ surrogates will try to silence you and I by any means possible.


Made or originally contracted in China from bats, bat ■■■■ or by other means and spread throughout the world.

Where the ■■■■ is my Obamaphone? Pelosi, where the ■■■■ is my Obamaphone?

Correction:. Bat ■■■■ Soup.

What the ■■■■ is Chemoprophylaxis?

Viral infections are of increasing importance in the compromised host, particularly herpesvirus infections. Both intravenous and oral acyclovir are effective in preventing reactivation of herpes simplex virus infection; oral regimens are less expensive but compliance may be problematic. Did a Chinese researcher have a romantic relationship with a bat. I have heard for crazy bat ■■■■ before but this is ■■■■■■■ insane

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