Great news from California!



There was a company that wanted to build a power plant with scrubbers that would burn old tires to generate electricity. It got turned down in Colorado because there might be pollutants that still get emitted.

So we’ll just deal with the tires through open burning, I guess…

Of course you know this isn’t about unclogging anything, they need more money.

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Direct taxes are only a part of problem. California’s gas tax is about $.15 higher higher than Pennsylvania’s but California’s gas price is about $1.30 higher.

AAA Gas Prices

I suspect that the extra $1.15/gallon amounts to a corruption tax. A reasonable assumption is that California rigs its regulations to benefit “preferred” producers who have sufficiently strong connections to the people who run things in Sacramento.

They don’t want you buying gas in California anymore. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, starting next year they will raise the price 50 cents per gallon every year. They intend to price you out of ICE vehicles. They’ll probably do that with beef next. Then I can see California being the first state to go completely air condition free to support their EVs.


Californians want an authoritarian government, because this is what they keep voting for. I wish they’d secede.

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We had a thread about the Calif regulation on raising pigs. It jacks up the price of pork … and BACON.

Califs deserve the exorbitant prices they pay for stuff.

The governor has put this plan on pause indefinitely. Is she up for reelection this November? I wonder.

We’ve had a tire recycling center catch on fire and change names about every three years. Same place, same owner, every three years. The state is probably paying for it. Guy pockets the money, pays whatever fine to the epa, and rolls on. You’d think they’d catch on and shut him down, but nope, not yet anyway.

Has to pander to people who have some sense for reelection. I’m surprised she changed positions at all seeing as how there are few of those in California.

Ahhh … But the seed has been planted. It will grow.

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None in California. They have gone full retard. I only say that because how dumb can you be before you’re considered mentally challenged? California can barely handle the load on hot summer days now. How do they expect to do it with 12-14 million electric vehicles? Certainly not fast charging.

They are certainly going for it anyway. They are adding a 50 cent gas tax every year starting next year. That will be a disaster in just about 5 years. It’s madness.

In the story I read, they also mentioned that they’re going to have to find an alternate source of revenue. Which tells me one thing. It’s not about congestion.

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A proposal is to suck power from EV batteries back onto the grid. What could go wrong?

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Going AC free would kill off a lot of people especially among the elderly.

We were out there one time visiting some in-laws and ran into 112 degree heat 3 days in a row.

Death sentence for many if not most elderly.

Or perhaps we should just kick them out.

I can hardly wait to see how the EV owners react when they hop in their car to go somewhere and discover that the power company has drained their battery while they thought it was charging. :smile:


If heat-related deaths go back to what they were in the 1950s they will blame global warming, no the lack of air conditioning.

I read somewhere that charging your car at home is equal to running 25 refrigerators. It could have been 15, I forget. But either way, can everyone do that overnight in the summer when everyone has an EV? They have to come up with something.