Great news from California!

Their gas tax is expected to reach 59 cents this year and up to 66 cents withing two years! I love it when liberals are punished by the stooopid policies they vote for!
:grin: :+1:


more green means less green!


If they ever get that mileage tax passed their is gonna be a rush on neighboring state license plates.


Seems no one cares about AI effects on the power grid though…

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This is what some states will do if people continue to reject electric cars.

I found a site that says California is at over 77 cents per gallon. Are they including federal tax?

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17.47¢ in Missouri. :sunglasses:

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NJ was around there until they decided to add 30 cents over the last few years. Initially it was 23 cents. When they didn’t hit their target revenue, they kept raising it. I still don’t think they hit their mark.

They’re claiming less people stop to get gas before leaving the state. You don’t say? People aren’t stopping because prices are no longer cheaper.

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They’ll “never” meet their goal, and will always have an excuse as to why they “need” to raise it again. :wink:


NJ is a small state, it doesn’t take long to drive out of it from anywhere in it. A shorter time since anyone with any sense is driving out of it as quickly as they can. While it doesn’t take long to drive out of it, any time spent in NJ can seem like a painful eternity.


Doesn’t take long? I used to work at an exit where it could take you hours to just go a few miles to the bridge to NY. I sat there watching and enjoying every minute of it. I’m not sitting in that crap.

see! A painful eternity

Yep I have to drive from NC to CT next weekend. I will drive around NJ and NYC… Save on tolls and faster but a little farther.

The problem is not income.

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Voting for dems makes people poorer, so don’t be mean and vote dem.


How do you plan on saving on tolls? How will you avoid my sinister roadway? Then tolls into NYC, then congestion pricing. You will be rolled for 50-75 bucks in and out of there unless you drive an amphibious car. I hope you’re not pulling a trailer. Triple that price.

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liberals have electric vehicles and do not pay gas taxes.

how much money has my brother who lives in California has paid in Gas taxes in the past 5 years.



He might want to start saving his money.

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■■■■■■■■■ It may not be a “gas tax,” but the free ride ended four years ago.

“Starting this month (July 2020,) a one-time upfront registration fee of $100 will be charged for 2020 model year plug-in vehicles in California. That will be followed by an annual registration fee of up to $175 based on the vehicle’s value.”

California starts charging EV registration fees up to $175 in July | Electrek.

And knowing the way California operates, it won’t stop there. As more ICEs are replaced by EVs, they will be forced to make up the loss of revenue from fuel taxes by getting the equivalent revenue from EV vehicle owners by some other means.

this thread is about the California gas increase and how it would effect the liberals of the state.


nice try at the deflection however.


California does charge 108 dollars to register your EV. That’s one of the lower ones. Liberal in NJ will start paying $250 to register your EV, and it goes up 10 dollars a year for 4 or 5 years. And they want four years up front. There’s your gas tax.